Wonho | Valentines Day Special

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Valentine's Day wasn't my thing. I never had a valentine so it was really just like any other day.

Today, February 14th, wasn't any different than any other year. I was single again and would spend the day alone.
My plan was to stay home and just watch a movie but of course I needed snacks for that!
So i headed out to the store to stock up on everything I would need for a night of sitting inside watching movies alone .

I stocked up on ice cream, popcorn and a lot of heart shaped candy. Just needed a White Chocolate Mocha to complete it and I could go home and relax for the rest of this night!
I was happy about being able to relax alone. I was actually very excited for it.

So I'm standing there in Starbucks, waiting for my turn to order , when this obnoxious man in a suit walks in talking loudly on his phone.
These kind of people are so annoying.
I just want my drink.
I'm next in line but I just hear this dude loudly complaining about how the line was taking forever but really he was here for 5 minutes. Chill dude.
Five seconds later, he's tapping his foot obnoxiously.

Then I'm about to order when he STEPS IN FRONT OF ME. What? Excuse you, sir.

"Uh dude?" I'm questioning.
And he literally turns around, looks me in the eye and then just turns back around to order. Well then.
I'm really just about to ignore it and move on. It wasn't a big deal, it's alright , I'm taking deep breaths so I don't freak out of this rude person.
But nooooo he had to look back again and share his opinion.
"I just noticed your bag of food and decided you obviously had no real plans tonight." oh yes he said that. "So I hope you don't mind, someone with important plans goes first"
Since when is that good criteria for being rude !
Just keep quiet. I just want my drink and I wanna go home.
Drinks ordered. Rude guy is gone, he's doing his "important stuff". It's all good.

I leave Starbucks. I'm still excited for my night even though this dude kind of annoyed me.

I'm walking back down the street when I hear sobbing. As the nice person I am, I have to stop and look. And what do ya know, suit guy is sitting on a bench crying his eyes out. Ah curse my kindness. But I had to stop and ask what was wrong.
"uh hey, what's wrong?" I asked sitting down next to him.
He was obviously uncomfortable now and he sat up and wiped his eyes.
"I have to go , I have important things to do" he said and stood up.
I stopped him from leaving , not sure why. Why am I like this ??
"Hey rude guy, just let it out, I don't have anything better to do anyways , right ?"
"yeah, I'm sorry about saying that earlier" he apologized. Alright rude guy, got less rude.
"Alright so what's wrong?"
So he explained how his girlfriend had just dumped him earlier today after he had planned a nice Valentine's Day for her so he was in a bad mood. Of course I understood. I wasn't going to hold it against him.

"Why don't you come spend Valentine's Day with me?" I suggested to him.
He happily agreed. I guess I wasn't going to spend the night alone this year. And I was kind of excited about this too.
"So what's your name?"


My plan is to do a Valentine's Day theme for each member today so please look forward to that.! I'm not so sure how well they'll turn out but Happy Valentine's Day!

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