"Oh really?" James said leaning forward on the table

"Of course I would even cheer every time you scored" I said leaning aganist the table as well. "I might even make a sign"

"And what will this sign say..." James asked me and I completely blanked and I just shrugged and he laughed

"How about James Potter is my hero" He continued in fits of laughter.

"Shut up" I said and he raised his hands in surrender with a smile on his face that made me smile back "I will be in the library learning."


I was reading qudditich through the ages in the library.

"Excuse me" A sassy voice said breaking my consentration I looked up from my book to see a very sassy Reg.

"Yes...." I said wondering what he wanted Reg waitied a couple seconds with his hands behind his back and bouncing on his heels.

"I have a delvery for one Alexzandria Rose Evans" Reggie said pausing for dramatic effect. "From a James Pottter" Reggie said pulling out a jumper from behind his back.

"Yay!" I said grabbing the jumper and hugging it. "Turn around Reggie" Reg turned around as I quickly changed. "You are good bro" I said and he turned around and looked at me for a explanation.

"Reg how are you at making signs?"


It looked pretty good for how bad I am at art but if I am being completly honest Reg did most if not all of the work. He had a color theme it was maroon, and gold. If I learned one thing from this experince it was do not mess with peoples color scemes as Reggie had me sit in the corner after I tried to draw pink on the poster.

I also recieved a lecture on which colors go together and which do not.

Regs sign had a red sign as a back drop and gold glitter for the words JAMES POTTER IS MY HERO!!! Reg also told me the only price was that no one could know he made it.

Of course I completely agreed with him taking full credit for something when I did nothing. Was a idea that I loved.

The only two questions I had about the entire experience and they where pretty basic.

Can I hire Reggie to plan my wedding?

Why the hell does Reg have so much glitter on him?

The world may never know.

So there I was sitting in the basically empty Slytherin section as Gryffindor was suppose to beat Ravenclaw easily. So no respectable Slytherin would watch Gryffindor win willingly.

But there I was sitting with two people who may never talk to me again.

Carter and Snape. Snape by the way glared at me every single time I cheered and waved my sign.

James scored again and I screamed at the top of my lungs and waved my sign for the 6th time.

"Could you shut up?" Snape asked annoyed at me.

"I could but I wont" I said sitting back down inbetween the two buzz kills.

I sat there in silence with the others until James scored two minutes later. I quickly jumped up and screamed causing Snape to cover his ears.

"Just stop please." Snape said sitting down and I was still standing.

"How about no." I said watching the game hearing Carter say.

"Potter is actually doing really well. Hes gotten seventy points so far." Right after he said that I started screaming again as James just scored. "Correction eighty"

"Just please shut-" I cut him off as it has been going on for eight times too many.

"Listen hear grease ball I do not have a problem with you and I do not give two flying fucks what problems you have with James. But if you do want to start something with me I suggest you keep talking." I said glaring at him as he shrunk back "Do you understand?" I asked him and he nodded in fear. "Good then get the hell out of here." I said and he bolted.

I sighed and sat down dramatically.

"You scary as hell you know that right?" Carter said to me leaning back on the stands.

"Yeah I know."

James scored again and again and again for a total of seventeen. My voice was so shot.

"Gryffindor catches the snitch for a total score of 330- 60 and 170 of those points goes to Mr. Potter."

I sat with Carter for a bit it was calm and nice. But I really wanted to go talk to James.

"Hey-" I started but Carter cut me off so fast with a look and a wave of his hand.

"Go see your boyfriend" Taylor said and I smiled at him kissing him on the cheek before I sprited down to the field. Then finally Carters words registered in my head.

"He is not my boyfriend" I said standing on the field with my sign facing a smiling Carter.

"Yet" He said and before I could respond I felt James hug me from behind and all my attenion went to him.

"Hey" I said to him as he rested his head on my.

"You made a sign" James said smiling spinning me around so I was facing him.

"Soild observation" I said smiling at him and his grin quickly widened. "I also cheered" I addded and he nodded.

"I heard" James said.

"My voice hurts so bad and its all your fault." I said holding the sign behind my back.

"How do you figure." He asked me and I smirked.

"If you didnt score I wouldnt have to scream." I said laughing which in turn he smiled.

"Well I am SO sorry." James said leaning down to kiss me I felt his kiss me but only for a second then he was gone.

Did James just kiss me?

"Hey Potter!" I yelled out and he turned around. "What the hell was that for" I said loudly walking towards him.

"It was a apology kiss." James said as I was standing right in front of him.

I pulled him to my lips roughly for three seconds and when I pulled away I stated.

"That was a apology kiss Potter. Take notes amateur." I said to him before walking away holding up a peace sign.

The Forgotten (James Potter)Where stories live. Discover now