The match

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I wrote this in a soild twenty mins so its not edited but oh well. Sorry bout that. 😂😂😂 I was too busy watching the Olympics.

I walked with Tori to the great hall smiling. The lion roar is gone now, but I thought why not give the mauraders some Slytherin pride. I sat down at the Slytherin table and tori-kins walked too Hufflepuff. I filled my plate with food and dug in. Just waiting for them too come on in.

It was a Sunday and most everyone filled the room. Except for them. Where the- I was cut off by a loud bang and the mauraders strutting in with their amazing green hair.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Sirius yelled I quickly put my head down and stuffed my face with food. I waited till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned too see the Mauraders.

"Ahh hello boys, get a good nights rest?" I said casually turning in my seat as if I didn't see the hair or the entire hall staring at us. "There is something off about you lads today... A new outfit maybe?"

"My hair, you ruined it" Sirius complained grabbing his hair. I stood up, standing a couple steps in front James and Sirius.

"Ah you changed the color I knew it. But why green? Ohhh I get it now you guys changed it too support Slytherin in the match." I said taking a step forward placing me right in front of James. "How sweet of you" I am really trying not too notice how close we are or how good James smells. "But we dont need luck too beat you."

"Oh you think so??" James said with a cocky smile on his face.

"Sweetie I KNOW so." I turned quickly letting my hair hit his face and walked towards the doors and once I got there. I yelled behind me "By the way love the hair lads."


I undid the green hair because im nice like that.

You know what happened? We TIED. Jesus chesus. I was too busy muttering to myself to notice James standing infront of me. So I ran into him.

"Hey I guess we both didnt win" he said smiling and I sorta swooned on the inside I know im becoming weak, but hes is hot so case closed.

"I guess not." I was a sore loser. As for me losing was a tie. "We should have won" I said and James scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Not in a million years love." James said with his hands in his pockets and a cheeky smile. I wanted too kiss that- smack that cheeky grin off his face.

"Oh you think so?" I said lightening up a bit as I crossed my arms and popped my hip out.

"I know so Evans." He said taking a step towards me challenging me too back up. I do NOT back down from a challenge.

"I do not think you could beat me in ANYTHING Potter" I said taking a step towards him.

"I think I could beat you in a lot of things love" He said taking the last half step foward pressing his body closer to me. Oh my god what is he doing? This is not good for my health. How the hell does he smell so good thats the real question.

"Like what?" I said trying too ignore my bodys reactions too him.

"For instance-" James was cut off by a click of a camera and Toris squeal.

"That was so cute this is sooooo going in my scrapbook for you two." Tori ran up too me and grabbed my arm pulling my arm away from James as she got in his face "Sorry I am going too steal her glasses because shes my boo, not yours so I would back off." She said looking James up and down like she was ready too kill him.

"My bad-" James started but I cut him off.

"Dont apologize to HER." I said "Tori just cock blocked me." James raised his eyes brows at me.

"Its not my fault it was cute" Tori said throwing her hands above her head. "You are still coming with me."

"So you wanted me too kiss you Evans?" James said smirking.

"Shut up Potter I dont have time for this." I was happy that Tori was pulling me away from him because honestly I wouldve hit him or kissed him. Either or. Once Tori got me into the Hufflepuff common room. She sat me down and smirked.

"So James..." Tori said smiling like a psycho.

"Yeah.." I said slowly.

"You sooooo like him." Tori said and I blushed. "You DO!! You have no idea how pumped I am oh my god and you two are so cute and my OTP AND OH MY GOD THIS ISNT OKAY YESSSS FINALLY YOU HAVE ADMITIED IT." Tori said in one long sentance "I will sleep happy."

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