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They where good I will give them that as we where shaking and James was giving me a funny look it was probably because I kicked his ass in front of she-who-must-not-be-named.

"Potter" I said loudly smiling "take a picture it will last longer." He looked surprised that I said that to him. Guess Lily never talked to him like that.

"Oh I would but see love-"

"Zan" He acted as though he did not hear me and went on.

"I don't have a camera on me, it is really a shame actually. Not many people beat us in our realm." He said gesturing to Lupin and Sirius behind him.

"Get used to it glasses." I took a step towards him "because I am on the Slytherin team and we are going to kick your ass next match." I said tapping him on the nose like the cheeky person I am. I expected a lot of reactions from them but not the sound of a clicking camera and Tori squealing.

"Oh my god you guys look how cute they look." She showed everyone and I do admit we looked cute, but that is just because i'm in it. "Guys I am totally making copies, who wants one?" Lupin and Black raised their hands. So Tori went to go talk about embarrassing me. 

"Was the nose tap really necessary?" Glasses looked at me and I realized that we where still standing REALLY close to each other. Not that I minded. If he was uncomfortable he could move.

"It was, and do not even pretend that you did not like me touching you" I said bravely watching amused as James blushed and was at a lost of words for a second. I was VERY aware that Sirius was looking at me and James like a problem he just could not understand.  Lupin just smiled knowingly like he knew the furture, but then he looked at Tori and looked very startled. I just looked away because Tori was doing thrusting motions.

"I did like it" I knew it see I am always right James cut me out of my thought "but you are not as close as I want you to be." Dang boy straight to the point, I can play that game too.

"So how close is that-" I was cut off by Lily who finally got to James.

"James why are you talking to my sister?" Lily asked in that high voice that made me want to rip her throat out. Why is James talking to me because I am smarter than you and I am not a COMPLETE-

"Because your sister is my friend Lily-flower" James said in a sweet tone sounding like a adult explaining something to a child.

"But James she is a Slytherin" Lily said which earned a glare from me and Trix who just showed up at my side.

"Whats your point Lily?" James asked before Trix could hex her and I could punch her in the face.

"They are mean." She said pouting not liking that James did not agree with her.

"Your sister is my friend Lily, okay?" James said irritated. 

"Well she should not be your friend, Alexzandria is evil James. How can you not see it she is a MUGGLEBORN in Slytherin if that does not send up any red flags you are duller-"

"Lily" James said as a warning sign.

"Does this mean you are leaving me for her-" Lily whined.

"James" I said loudly stopping Lily from her whining  and everyone to look at me "Tori better get your camera ready you are going to want this." Tori was ready and Lily was looking scared like I would walk up and give her my best right hook. As much fun that would be I have something much better planned. I put one foot in front of the other as I was pushed away from James in the whole argument. I put my arm around his neck and kissed him softly. Lily stormed away when Glasses started to kiss back.

I pulled back for air first and walked away with Trix and Tori on either side of me talking about how they would get those two pictures to everyone. Trix just smirked and suggested they put a bunch of those photos in the Gryffindor common room to remind Lily to never talk shit about Slytherin. Tori said they put them at all of her seats in her classes.

I just could not think about Lily right now I could only think of glasses and it was starting to piss me off.

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