Valentine's day surprise.

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A/N: Hello everyone I hope you've had a wonderful day. If you read the description then you know this is a high school au for Allen and Kanda. Currently I'm writing another Yullen story but if you enjoy this oneshot leave a comment and I will consider continuing this story. Thanks for reading!

Allen pov:

This was my fifth time attempting to make the homemade chocolates tonight. The kitchen was full of smoke and the whole room smelled awful and burnt. I was lucky I lived alone so that no one could yell at me for making such a huge mess. Chocolate coated everything in the area and I had already burned finger once. I want to give up and cry but I really want tomorrow to be special. I looked at the clock, just kidding its now past midnight, I want the rest of today to be special. I let out a sigh as I checked the directions on  the chocolate recipe once again. You know what they say, sixth times the charm, or something.

Kanda pov:

Damn it all. I woke up late this morning and while I feel well rested if I don't hurry I'm going to be late to school. Without thinking I grabbed the wrong hair ribbon but didn't notice until I was putting my hair up halfway down the street at a stop sign. The problem with this hair ribbon was the fact it was broken. I wanted to turn back but the teacher had warned me if I was late one more time that I would be sent to the office. Wincing I stepped on the gas pedal. Damn it all indeed.

Allen pov:

I waited at the front entrance of the high school for Kanda. I blushed at the heart shaped box in my hands. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered with no control. Inside of this heart shaped box were the only successful valentine's chocolates I had made. Uneasiness and doubt swept through my body as I remembered my task for the day. I must give these chocolates to my crush in person, I must give these chocolates to Kanda. Thinking about the goal was frying my brain and I jumped when the starting bell rang. Perhaps Kanda is running late today. Perhaps it's best to give him his present at lunch instead than. I ran to my locker in a hurry to hide the treat.

I heard them as I turned the corner. Of course it had to be today of all days. Surrounding my locker was a particular group of boys that hated my guts. Before I could turn and run they spotted me, before I even could get past the corner again I felt one of them grip my hair. "What do you have for us here princess?"

Oh god not the chocolates, anything but the chocolates.

"It's not for you, leave me alone and let me go." The boys snickered at my response as one grabbed hold of the box.

"Let's have a look shall we?" He pulled on the heart but I refused to let go.

"So that's how its going to be huh?" He kicked me in the gut but I still wouldn't let him take the chocolates.

They gave up on getting the chocolates as they threw punches and repeatedly kicked me, however the chocolate remained unharmed for the most part. The tardy bell rang as I received a final blow to the cheek, they scattered not wanting to be caught in the halls. I rubbed my cheek as I inspected the box. Fortunately the box only had a few small dents, protecting it with my body was defiantly worth it. Quickly I stood up and unlocked the locker placing my special present inside before walking to class with a slight limp. Finally I reached class. Everyone turned to look at me as I opened the door. "Sorry I'm late." My apology wasn't enough though because the teacher was stern and told me to stay after class for being a disruption, today was definitely off to a shaky start.

Kanda pov:

Rushing in the morning ended up working out as I sat down as the tardy bell rang. I glared at the few people daring enough to look at my hair and its new style. I pretended to pay attention during the entire lesson until it was over. This continued through the next class as well until at last it was time for lunch. Buying some bread from the cafeteria I headed to my usual spot, the rooftop. I always sit alone, mainly because other people are just annoying. I finished my lunch and crumpled up the trash left behind, it would be an excellent time for a quick nap. I closed my eyes when I heard footsteps. Instantly sitting back up I turned to see who had disturbed my nap. I certainly didn't expect to see a blushing little beansprout holding something behind his back.

Allen pov:

It took me a while to find Kanda but I finally saw him when I reached the rooftop. His hair was beautiful as it flowed out around him while he laid down. I caught myself staring and felt I needed to deliver the chocolates. I held tightly onto the box as I placed it behind my back. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, its now or never. I felt my face get hot as Kanda turned and looked at me. I froze. "What do you want moyashi?"

"Oh well, um I just, um." I stuttered unable to say the correct words.

"Out with it, what do you want." Kanda glared at me.

"Well um actually I just." I walked closer to him and paused. I shoved the box forward towards him. "I wanted to give you these chocolates I made."

Kanda pov:

WHAT? I sat in shock at what Allen had just said. I gazed at the box and then back at Allen and once again to the box. It was shaped like a heart, oh god I thought today was the 13th but it must be the 14th. Today is Valentine's Day and the cutest little Moyashi was giving me chocolates.
"I'm sorry the box got a little dented." Allen squeaked.
"Oh um no its not a problem I've just um." Well this situation sure was awkward. My heart is going to beat out of my chest any second. "I've just never received anything for Valentines before." I felt a blush spread across my face as I accepted the gift. Our hands touched when I grabbed it and we both of our blushes brightened. I finally got a good look at the beansprout. Why does he look so battered?

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" The Moyashi spoke breaking me from my trance.

"Um yes I mean no, no yes you can sit with me." I fumbled as I patted the concrete showing him where to sit.

We sat together for a while before I decided to ask one of the many questions on my mind. Well what I really wanted to ask was why he looked so battered but instead I asked the worst question ever. "Why is there a dent in the box." 

Instantly an uncomfortable air surrounded Allen. That was defiantly the wrong thing to say. 

"Oh, sorry about that." He paused and scratched his head. "Well actually I kind of got into a little scuffle this morning, well by scuffle I mean I kind of got jumped at my locker. 

That explained my other question almost perfectly. Suddenly I was engulfed with anger at the fact that I never noticed the fact that Allen was bullied regularly.

Without another thought I wrapped my arms around the Moyashi. "It's okay I won't let them do that again." I hugged him tighter, "Ever again." 

Allen pov: 

Kanda gave the most comfortable hug I've ever had in my life. My worries melted away while I was wrapped in his arms. "Kanda, I love you." I held my breath waiting for his response. 

"I love you too Allen, I just never imagined you would feel the same way."

We sat together for a little while before I remembered what I had in my back pocket. I pulled away still madly blushing at what just happened. "There's one more thing I need to give you, close your eyes." 

As Kanda shut his eyes I reached for my last small gift and laid it out in my hands. "Go ahead and open your eyes now." 

Kanda pov: 

Inside of Allen's hands was a silky gold ribbon. 

"For your hair." the younger boy said sheepishly. 

"Thank you Allen." I gave him another hug and a peck on the cheek. I tied my hair up with the new ribbon and opened the chocolate box and popped one in my mouth. It was delicious and sweet like Allen. I patted Allen on the head, this was the best day of my life. 

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