Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dangerous Desires...

Start from the beginning

"Neuken dit eiland!" The hanging man spat his fluid next to the man's feet, only to gain another lash on his back.

"M-Mister Donovan," a small woman with skin as pale as a ghost stood in the entrance with her hand clamped behind her back. "Y-you have a message."

Donovan gripped the leather whip in his hand in anger from the sudden interruption. "Message?"

The small woman looked towards the hanging man than her employer, "A message from Miss Dorn, sir." Her hand shook as she showed the small folded paper.

Donovan smirked before taking the paper out of the woman's trembling hands. His dark eyes scanned over the words over and over again, as he read his smile grew further. "Fetch Samson, tell him to dispose the...des ordures."

The small woman nods her head before scurrying out of the dark moldy room. Donovan turned to the hanging man  before saying: "I had so much fun, Fern- you lasted longer than my other toys." Flinging his arm back, the whip hit the poor man's chest- causing him to yell out in agony.

Leaves fell upon her skirt as the sun blinded her eyes, the sound of birds singing filled her ears as she relaxed on the warm hard ground full of dried leaves and twigs. She took a deep breath several times before turning her head to see a very handsome man sitting next to her. His shoulder length brown hairs covered the side of his face, but she knew he was deep in thought from his hunched back and fidgety fingers.

She couldn't figure out how to address his mood, instead she kept quiet and to herself for the day. However it was eating her alive. "Why do you ponder?" She asked finally after a morning worth of silence.

He sighed heavily before revealing himself from behind the curtain of brown locks. "Something is wrong, I can feel it."

She sat up quickly with a concern look upon her face, a few leaves was stuck to the back of her hair- but she did not worry of such nuisance, instead she worried more about her husband. "Wrong?"

"Aye, have you noticed?"

She shook her head no as her eyes wandered around the woods. The day was clear and good considering they've had a lot of storms that week. "No, Anton what do you feel?"

Anton sighed once more before standing to his feet, wiping the leaves and dirt off his pants before helping his wife to her feet as well. "Danger, that's what I feel."

"Danger?" Sandra questioned, her brows creased in concern. "Anton you're scaring me."  She held onto his hand, slowly tightening her grip so he would not run away.

Seeing the concern on his lovely wife's face, made Anton quickly snap out of it. "Tis nothing Sandra, my crazy theories that's all."

Of course his words supposed to sooth her, but it didn't: Sandra became worried even more but she did not badger him about it nor had that concern look upon her face- she kept it all inside.

Later that evening the couple stayed in their home, the sun was setting, night owls were waking up from their day sleep, and predators were going for their hunt. Anton tapped his thumps on the old table, something in here was going wild; stirring up in his stomach, like a dog sensing danger from a mile away. In which, danger is just at the front door.

A sharp knock filled the air like a drum, Sandra looked towards Anton, as Anton glared at the door. He stood up from the chair before hesitating to open the door; however before he touched the knob, the door flew open- causing Anton to fall back.

Donovan stepped through the threshold with a wicked smile upon his face. Anton struggled to get up, the impact took a toll on his back and head. Sandra was filled with shock and fear, she was as still as a stone wall. Luckily Donovan did not take notice of the small woman only a yard away.

He chuckled wickedly while grabbing Anton by the collar and throwing him across the room, making a huge dent in the wall. "You must be Anton, huh?"

Anton groaned in pain before crawling to his feet to fight back. He managed to punch Donovan jaw, making the large man stumble back and laugh. Donovan grabbed Anton's neck and threw him on the ground, trying to choke him to death.

Sandra breath was stuck in her throat, however adrenaline coursed through her veins. She grabbed the first deadly object she could get her hands on. Donovan hands became loose on Anton's neck, his eyes bulged out of his skull as he slumped over with a large knife in his neck.

Blood covered Sandra's hands, making her whimper and cry for doing such a sin- one of the most terrible sin in the world. "Oh god."

Anton coughed and grabbed his neck to catch his breath, when he caught site of Donovan and Sandra's bloody hands, he stood to his feet and pulled Sandra into a protective hug. "Shh, it's okay." He rubbed her back gently. "We have to leave."

Sandra was like a stone wall once more, her feet were glued to the ground and her eyes were fixed on the dead body. Anton picked her up, even at his week state and carried her out their home- a home that they will never see again.


British officers surrounded the home, guns ready and loaded as they search the woods and other areas near by for the runaway couple. Nothing... Nothing in miles, not a single track, print nor pieces of clothing to put the officers in a direction. Being that they could not see anything with their lanterns nor the moon lighting, it was a dead end.

The sound of hooves neared the scene, a black stallion stopped in front of the general leading the group of soldiers. "Lieutenant," the general saluted the fellow officer as he departed his stallion.

"What is going on here?"

The general sighed heavily before leading the way, "We had word of a murder, I sent two officers to go see and this is what they found." The two stepped in the old lovely home that's no longer lovely nor a home. "The body is Donovan Cordials, one of the governors."

"Aye, I know." The lieutenant knelt down to see the evil man, now cold and surrounded by his own blood. "Mister Donovan here was my uncle."

The general face immediately turned pale, "My condolences, Lieutenant Lucian."

Lucian sighed heavily before standing to his full height, "Inform my father of Donovan. Gather as much men you have and search the town for an man- a pirate name Anton LeRoy."

The general became even more pale like a ghost, "A-Anton LeRoy, nephew of Daniel LeRoy?"

Lucian nods his head in confirmation, "It seems you know how dangerous he is, I expect you to find him before he kills anyone else in my family." With that, Lucian walked out the dark home with a wicked smirk upon his face.

The death was an opportunity... An opportunity to kill the couple without risking his career. The cold heart man rode off into the night with victory in his eyes..

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