..Your death.

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You're 83, and Jon's 85. But.. sadly.. you're dying. Your sat in your bed, lonelier than ever. It was a sad day, you were bound to die today. You felt so lonely. How could Jon leave you here? Maybe he forgot you were dying. "Doooctoor..?" You mumble out. The nurse pipes up. "Yes?" You slowly move your hand to your chest. "Wheeree's Joon?" She smiled. "He went to do somethin-" She was cut off by Jon entering, scooting towards you.  You were supposed to be dead by midnight, and it was 11:30 PM. Tears entered Jon eyes.

"I love you Y/N, I  always have.." He murmurs, taking your hand. 

"I love you too Jon, I always have.." You repeat, leaning in and giving him a warm kiss. You guys were talking, Jon wiping his tears now and then. Then, he noticed soon it was 11:55. So he began to sing to the best of his ability. "You are my sunshine.. my only sunshine.." You start to sniffle. "You make me happyy... wheen skies are graay.. You'll never know dear.." He's crying. "How much I love you.. Please don't take.. my suunshine awaay.." You notice the time. 11:59. "Please don't take.. my sunshiine awaaay.." Your eyes fall shut, a smile on your face as you drift off to the afterlife, Jon sobbing on your lifeless body.




im sorry

i made myself cry actually writing this oh my god

this was based on the video above. my god im sobbing

im sorry

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