Imagine #2

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Ross imagine

You are walking to your house after school when a teenage boy bumps into you, making both of you fall to the ground. He gets up and holds his hand out for you to take. You grab it and he pulls you up.

"Sorry, I'm such a clutz sometimes!" he says looking at you. "I'm Ross."

"Y/N" you tell him, suddenly feeling nervous. "You're-"

"Ross Lynch," he says finishing your sentence.


"Austin and Ally, Teen Beach Movie, and R5. Yeah I am,' he says finishing your sentence again.


"A huge fan of you? Thanks that means a lot!" 

"How do-"

"I know what you're going to say next? I get these questions a lot!" You blush as he checks his watch. "I have to go rehearse with the band! Wanna come?"

"Sure!"  you say immediately. "I'd love to!" You add.

You follow him to his car and climb in as he drives you to rehearsal.

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