- chapter 3 -

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Eridan's P.O.V

I made my way into town, heading towards the farmers market, yet again. It's the third time I've been here this week. Usually I take a horse, since the village is so far away from the castle. This time I settled for walking. I started on the path at sunrise, and I had been walking for quite some time by the time I got to the market. I had a handful of coins in my pocket and my basket on my hip.

Entering the market, I glanced around and took a deep breath through my nose. This village always had such a nice aroma. It smelled of flowers and fruit, and on Saturdays, they would feast and celebrate, it smelled of cooking meat and hard liquor. The village would light up with candles on those days, with a small campfire in the midst of the market. Men would dance around and sing songs, children would run and play chase. It was truly wonderful. I was lucky to have such humble people as comrades. When I had first entered the village, and told them I was an offspring of The Orphaner Dualscar, they would bow their heads each time I walked by. I told them it was unnecessary and slowly began to familiarize with them. They invited me to one of the celebrations, I brought some Greek olives that me and my brother had picked as a gift. The locals had thoroughly enjoyed them. We listened to stories around the fire, danced and drank some. It was overall a great festival and I attended every Saturday from then on.

This day, I was actually searching for something at the market this time, not just wandering around. That boy. The boy with the face like art and the unearthly eyes. Heading through the booths, nodding my head and smiling at people, I made my way to his booth. I could see him with a pen and quill and a paper. His tongue poked out of his mouth slightly as he wrote, concentrated on the cursive flow of the letters. And that's when I saw it. His tongue. It had been.. mutilated. It resembled a snake tongue. Someone had poorly sliced it down the middle, scars could be seen from the jagged cut of a knife. That's why he had spoke with such a weird lisp. His tongue was cut in half for gods sake! I trudged towards the booth and stood directly in front of him.

"What are you up to?" I questioned. He jumped slighty and looked up, sighing and chuckled. "Writing a letter to my father. Currthive ith difficult." I almost struggled to understand what he was saying because of how chopped up it was. I pulled a stool up from behind him and settled myself, glancing at him with a smile. "Mind if I sit here?" he shook his head and looked back down to the paper. Dipping the pen, he resumed intently focusing on curving and connecting his letters. I watched as he steadily flicked the quill, careful to not put to much pressure on it. Have mercy, even his movements looked like art to me.

"Tell me about your father." He looked up at me with almost a confused face, unsure. "..Well, I do- "How about, i tell you about my father, you tell me about yours. Deal?" I just really wanted to bond with this boy. His lips turned up the smallest bit, nodding his head. So began my story.

"My father is The Orphaner Dualscar, king of the Ampora kingdom. Though royal, he is but a sailor. A captain. For as long as i can remember, my father has traveled the seas. He works alongside his faithful comrades, and he talks in this odd sailor accent. 'Oi, Eridan, get ye chores done!'" My humorous impression had cracked the other boy up. His nose scrunched up when he laughed and he rocked back almost, pulling his hand up to his mouth. It was yet again, art being created infront of my eyes.
        "Him and my mother met in Hampshire, and they had me and my brother. My mother died of a sickness before I was grown enough to meet her. My father has always been weary when speaking of my mother, he gets this shake in his voice and it honestly frightens me. I never ask him about her anymore." The boy looked at me with sad eyes, nodding along to my words.
       "Well, that's about it. Now tell me about your father, we had a deal!" We both smiled together and laughed. And so his story began.
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