Chapter 1

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The thing about running away is that there is always something left behind be it: a treasure, a person or a memory, and although Naruto Uzumaki did not have many of these things even the outcast jinchūriki had something he had to say goodbye to. In this case it was his self proclaimed grandfather, Sarutobi Hiruzen. Better known as the Third Hokage.

Which is why it wouldn't come as such a surprise that it was him who had noticed the absence of the blonde first.

In the office of the largest building in Kohona sat an aged man hunched over a towering pile of paper, his face buried in the palm of his hand as he rubbed his aching head trying to soothe his oncoming headache. His eyes, defined by wrinkles and large bags proving just how exhausted this old man was, were red and watery as if he had been crying.

It had only been a day since he discovered the absence of his dear blonde adopted grandson and the guilt was hitting him full force. If only he had looked after him more, been more strict with the civilians! At least Naruto would still be here and he would feel like he'd been stabbed repeatedly by a kunai, it was almost unbearable. Minato i'm so sorry i failed you.

He had finally given up, knowing just how skilled that little boy could be when he wanted to. He was a genius in his own right. Sarutobi just couldn't bring himself to send anbu after him, dragging him back to the place that was reason behind every dark memory he was forced to suffer through.

A soft knock resounded around the silent room forcing him out of his depressing thoughts. With a croaky come in the door opened, revealing a small figure with thick dark hair and eyes to match, he was pale to the point that he looked ill and his gaze never lifted from the floor. His name was Sasuke, the last Uchiha.

"What is my boy?" The Hokage asked kindly, swimming in guilt as he stared at the now orphaned boy who looked completely broken. If only he had stopped that damned council in time. It only added to his long list of regrets.

"I heard Naruto is gone" he replied in a weak voice, it had taken all his might to get up from his bed in the hospital and drag himself here. The mental exhaustion was evident on his face.

"Indeed, do you know something" The old man questioned, in a soft defeated voice as he was nearly pulled back into his previous thoughts.

Sasuke stared at the leader in front of him, normally he wouldn't have bothered to come but Naruto was the closest person he had to a friend despite their harsh words. He'd been the only person to make him feel the slightest emotion despite despair since the massacre of his family only days ago. Now he didn't even have him any more. But he at least wanted to help the Hokage with the ounce of information he had.

"Two days ago just before he disappeared, Naruto visited me in my hospital room." Sarutobi's eyebrows rose at this "And he seemed angry but i didn't acknowledge at that time. He sat with for an hour trying to make me smile, but just before he left his eyes turned hard and his voice solemn. I've never seen him so serious." he paused, looking almost contemplative.

"He said he was sorry for the loss of my brother" He continued, his voice small and weak. Sasuke used to think he understood Naruto but now he knew he had clue. How had he known the thing that had hurt the most, was that the brother he adored was no more; that image shattered and distorted beyond belief and recognition. Like Itachi, his brother, had died that day as well.

Even he didn't know that was what he was grieving the most until the blonde had said it.

The 3rd Hokage's eyes widened as the child finished his sentence. It couldn't be! There was no way! Did Naruto know the truth? His thoughts ran wild making him oblivious to Sasuke leaving the room quietly. He would have to keep this from the council when he finally told them about their missing jinchūriki.

Good luck Naruto.

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