Quinn smiled in greeting and he silently nodded back. Just like everyone else in the Alpha Prime's residence the night before, the man stared at her while he set out the trays of food on the low coffee table in front of her, his eyes moving from her own mismatched irises to the bite mark still visible on her shoulder and back again.

A low, menacing growl disrupted the quiet of the small sitting room and the Omega busying himself with setting the trays of food down on the coffee table practically jumped a foot in the air in fear and ran from the room.

Quinn looked up from the heavy book in her lap and instantly wished she hadn't. Christian strutted into the room from the other bedroom, wearing nothing but a look that said he was pleased with himself for scaring the poor Omega.

Damned werewolves and their 'clothing is optional' sleeping habits, Quinn thought venomously as she felt her cheeks beginning to heat up in embarrassment. She quickly averted her eyes and focused on anything other than the very naked man across the room from her.

"Was that really necessary?" she asked as her Alpha flopped down onto the couch on the other side of the coffee table from her and ran his gaze over the mountain of food the Omega had left for them. "He was just doing his job."

"I didn't like the way he was staring at you," Christian replied unrepentantly. Out of the corner of her eye, Quinn saw him reach for a strip of crispy bacon and make short work of it.

Quinn closed her eyes in irritation and slowly counted to ten. "The eyes alone would make anyone stare, Alpha."

"He wasn't staring because of your eyes, Little Hunter," Christian said matter-of-factly. "He was staring because of my mark."

There was silence for a moment and then she heard him sigh. "Quinn?"

Quinn opened her eyes and turned to look at him to see him smirking in amusement as she blushed deeply again. Christian had retained a modicum of decency the times she had shared the same bed as him, but now that they were in separate rooms in the Alpha Prime's residence, that seemed to have been thrown out the window. And he was clearly enjoying her discomfort.


"Could you please put some pants on?" Quinn asked softly.

Christian chuckled. "And miss out on seeing you blush so nicely for me? I don't think so."

Quinn tore her eyes from the Alpha's body and got up from the armchair, turning around for good measure. As if her imagination didn't have enough content to conjure up vivid dreams as it was.

"Really?" she heard him ask and she could tell he was now laughing at her. "All this time living with werewolves and you still aren't used to seeing people naked?"

Quinn kept stubbornly silent and she heard him sigh again. She could see him rolling his eyes at her.

There was a shuffling sound behind her for a moment and then Christian spoke again.

"Look," he said. "I'm decent now, see?"

Quinn hesitantly turned around and lifted her fingertips to her temples in order to try and massage away the headache that was slowly beginning to form. The Alpha was now lounging on the couch with a scatter cushion strategically placed to cover his manhood.

And he was still smirking at her.

So, she picked up the closest scatter cushion and threw it at him as hard as she could.

"Ass," she hissed under her breath, fighting the urge to smile.

She began making her way back to her room when they heard a knock on the suite's door and Christian's laughter abruptly stopped. He growled low and loud, his ice blue eyes flashing dangerously as he stared at the door and Quinn rolled her eyes.

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