Chapter 19

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Hi everyone!

So, Hunter's Heart reached over 500 reads this week! Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me :) I am so glad you are enjoying my work!

There is a LOT more to come for Quinn and Christian - tons of action and a growing of their relationship, so I really hope you all keep reading ...

A bit of a longer chapter with this post, as there was a lot that I felt HAD to be included, but it sets the ball rolling for a few events that will be coming up in the story.

Please remember to vote and leave a comment/advice! I would really love to know what you guys think of this story so far :)



"Do you think he knows?" Jonathan asked quietly so only Quinn could hear him. "The extreme risk you're taking by doing this?"

They stood in an armory just under the hatch that was the entrance to the Hunter facility known as the Tomb while they waited for the others to join them. In the corner of the room the four facility guards were slumped, having been subdued after Jonathan and Quinn had successfully bluffed their way through the 'front door'.

Quinn didn't have to ask what the Beta meant by his question. Christian had been switching between glaring daggers and scowling at her since they had set out from the mansion to go and rescue the kidnapped supernaturals several hours earlier.

"Perhaps," Quinn said softly, keeping her eye on the unconscious Hunters nearby in case they needed to be subdued again. Getting in had been surprisingly easy. One look at Alexandra Antanov and the men had practically tripped over themselves to let her and her companion in, even buying the bullshit transfer story Jonathan fed them.

"If he was certain," she added. "I would be back at the mansion and handcuffed to the desk in his office right now."

The meeting regarding the plan to get their kidnapped people back had gone reasonably well, considering the argument she and Christian had had just before it. Just as Quinn had feared, reports from Caine's people inside the Hunter camp had said the Hunters were holding their captives in the facility that had come to be known amongst Hunters as the Tomb. Captives went in, but they didn't come back out again – at least, not alive.

Christian had been perfectly fine with the plan until the suggestion that Quinn could play a role alongside Jonathan as they impersonated true Hunters to get through the front door had come up. Grayson and Liam had joined in with Christian's outright refusal to involve her that way, and while Quinn had found the overprotective reaction to the suggestion touching, she had also found it a little insulting. It was a complete about face from Christian's agreeing to let her go. Like Christian, the other two didn't seem to think she could look after herself in what had used to be her world.

It had taken a full hour of arguing with the three of them to get a grudging acceptance of Quinn's role in the plan. All Jonathan had had to do was remind them of the fact that she was still Alexandra Antanov and that just having her standing beside him in the Tomb would make those on duty more willing to believe whatever story they came up with.

While they made their way to the Tomb, Quinn could sense displeasure coming from Grayson, who thought he had some kind of debt to pay to her because she had saved his pack from slaughter, and Liam, who had always seemed to want to treat her like a little sister.

But that was nothing compared to what she was sensing from her Alpha.

Even when he was several feet away from her, above ground, she could tell he was livid. It was strong enough that it was a bit of work to avoid being drawn into his mind while they had traveled to the Tomb. She didn't think she could handle all of that rage on top of her growing nervousness of the fact that this cold underground facility could likely be her grave if things went south.

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