11. Departure

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Milo looked down at the note in his hand once more.

Target: Io

Location: Wyvern, Westerland

Objective: Elimination

He searched for the man's face in his mind and found him: middle aged, blond, tall, grey eyes, and a crooked nose as if it had been broken. He smiled, there was something very relaxing about seeing that face and to believe that someone else carried the fate of the world on their shoulders: not he.

"Why would they want Io dead?"

Vito's question didn't really register at first. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts.

Qumo shook his head, "Who knows? The Council have always played by their own rules to keep their lands safe..."

Annie huffed, as if it was an understatement. For the first time in a long while, Milo looked closely at the girl, trying to see who she was behind her facade. He had dismissed her completely since he had left her in that tavern. Now when he looked, he saw a deep sadness in her eyes.

"So, who's this Io guy, do we have two on our hands now, or are one of you fake," Vigilante said, looking at him, completely serious, but there was a hint of laughter in her voice. He couldn't be sure though.

"I'm not Io," he answered, forcefully enough to convince himself that his words were true.

"Ah yes, this is very interesting. I would very much like to see this person. I believe that I will leave in the morning. You should come Vito, and any of you others are of course welcome to join us," Qumo said, seemingly in a good mood. He was beaming and gesturing enough to effectively disguise his Gaian heritage.

Milo didn't know what to answer, he had no real reason to go, but he was still a bit curious. Some part of him also needed to know more. He wanted see this Io with his own eyes, making sure that this relief was real. He still heard whispers in his mind, and although he refused to listen, they grew stronger and stronger. However, he didn't believe what the old N'aian had said, it couldn't be true. He wasn't Io, but he had to know for sure, had to know so that he could leave all this nonsense behind him.

"I won't be coming with you," Vigilante said, breaking the silence.

"Good," he answered hurriedly. He didn't want her anywhere near. He could see her raise her eyebrows in response.

"So you're going?" she asked mockingly, and he replied before he had time to think it through.


"Then I've changed my mind. I'm coming with you, I won't miss out on all the fun. Can't wait to see two Io in one room."

This time he was sure that she was laughing at him. He shot her a glare, but his heart wasn't in it. He was constantly annoyed with her, but he couldn't stay angry and he couldn't force himself to dislike her. Not when those deep brown eyes met his.

"Good," Qumo said, obviously pleased with having two assassins as travel companions. Milo did wonder over that matter. Qumo should have been a little less welcoming in his opinion. People in general avoided assassins, only seeking them out for very special occasions. This N'aian acted very strange in comparison.

"I'm not coming with you."

All eyes turned towards Annie as she spoke. She looked decisive, eyes hard but expression neutral. Milo looked briefly at Vito, he wondered how the young man would react to the news. He had seemed quite taken with the girl. Vito blinked a couple of times, as if not really understanding what was happening. However, the young man didn't reveal anything more. He just stood there looking at Annie with sad eyes. Milo stole a brief look at Vigilante. She didn't seem to care in the least. Qumo on the other hand looked down at Annie with a very paternal expression.

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