Chapter 2: Psychic Mentality

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Dorothy you're not in Kansas anymore. Even after living in the city for almost 2 years now I still don't think I'll ever get used to the fast pace. New York was nothing like LA and if I am being completely honest, I miss home. I don't like rushing. I've always liked to take my time and work at my own speed but in New York City it seems like everything and everyone was on a deadline.

I'm barely out of the cab when a man nearly shoulders me in his rush to take it. I look back at him like he's certifiably insane before shaking my head and heading down the street. I didn't hate New York as much in the summer as I did in the winter, I can admit that, and today was a nice day. It was a cool 80 degrees, at least thats what my phone said and I was comfortable enough in my leggings, hoodie and a backwards snapback holding my hair back.

It was a wonderful opposite to the pants suit and heels I had been forced to wear all week.

"You're on the wrong side of town ma'am and not at all dressed like you just came from work," Lauren says as soon as she sees me. The chime of the door rings behind me as I step into the music shop.

"That's because I had the day off which is why I decided to grace you with my presence," I say back with a grin and walk over to the counter where she's organizing some kind of sheet music.

"You're the bestest best friend a girl could ask for," she cheeses at me and I laugh as I reach over to mush her head to the side.

"Shut up loser. What are you up to?" I ask, making myself comfortable by hopping up on the counter to sit down. She glances over at me with a shrug before going back to her work.

"Gloria wants all this sheet music organized alphabetically and by artist. ThenI have to set up a new display over there by the pianos. And because Shaun is an asshole who called off it's just me here which means I need to have this sorted and done before I get off," she says and I pout.

"Does that mean you can't entertain me today like usual?" I ask and she sighs.

"That's exactly what it means. I've only got 3 hours to get this done, but afterwards I'm all yours," she promises and I sigh. I guess that would have to suffice for now. It does ruin my plans though considering I had come all the way across town and there was no way I was going back home just to come back in three hours. I wasn't poor but damn if uber and taxi money didn't add up.

"Well what am I supposed to do until then?" I ask. The question is more to myself than to Lauren, who has gone back to organizing the papers anyway. I don't get a response from her nor do I wait for one.

Instead I hop off the counter and decide to go look at the vinyl collection. I've been in the store enough times to know almost every piece of music they have but every now and then they surprise me.

Gloria's Music shop wasn't a very popular spot but it did okay for it's merchandise. In an age where everything was digital downloads and streaming, it's to be expected that a store that sells CDs, cassette tapes and vinyls wouldn't be a hot spot. Most of the business came from the actual instruments that were sold and the sheet music, most of which were bought by the music schools and instructors around the city.

Still, every now and then a straggler looking for the 1983 Isley Brother's album 'Between the Sheets' or the 1973 Bob Marley 'Catch a Fire' album on vinyl would stroll in and end up leaving with $200 less dollar than when they walked in. The store is for real music lovers.

I'm thumbing through the J sections of the records, trying to decide if I really want to pay $19.99 for a used vinyl of Janet's 'Control' album when the door chimes again. I don't bother looking back.

"Welcome to Gloria's. Anything I can help you... oh hi!" Lauren's says behind me and I spin around. She sounds way too excited for it to be so music instructor looking for another Boq sheet music piece. My eyes nearly fall out of my head when I see who exactly it is that walked into the store.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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