Chapter 19- My old bully?

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Derek sat in his Camaro outside of his loft thinking. His sister was alive all this time and she hadn't even come to find him. She was with that other girl too. 'What was her name again?' he thought.

Derek was brought out of his thoughts by hearing his mate from inside the loft yelling at him "Derek I know your there, I can see your car from the window. Hurry up I want my curly fries! I know you can hear me with those wolfie powers of yours!"

Derek chuckled and got out of his car then walked inside the building. Holding onto the bag filled with curly fries, he pressed his floor number in the elevator and slowly made his way up to Stiles.

"Finally Derek! I'm soooo hungry" Stiles said coming up to him then grabbing the bag out of Derek's hand.

"Well next time you can get them yourself" Derek replied, frowning.

"Don't be such a sourwolf!" Stiles said walking up to Derek again. "Hey, are you okay Der? You seem kinda upset" Stiles said concern showing in his voice.

Derek walked over to their couch and sat down. He sighed and ran a hand over his face.

"I just saw my dead older sister at the store" He mumbled.

"What?" Stiles asked, not hearing him. Stiles then sat down next to him and grabbed Dereks hand linking their fingers together.

"My dead older sister Laura is alive. I saw her at the store when I was getting your fries. And she was with some girl named Braden as well" Derek explained, sighing after.

Stiles was quiet for a bit. Just taking everything in. "I'm happy that shes alive Derek. It's good you have her now. Its just... I know that girl... Braden. She used to live here when I was younger. We went to the same school together actually."

"Really? Why do you sound so... afraid?" Derek asked, squeezing Stiles hand for comfort.

"Braden... was my bully at school. One day Scott and I were playing Lacrosse together. We were playing around, fighting with each other for the ball. It was when Scott accidently pushed me to the ground that I changed. I pushed Scott on the ground as well after I got up. I had turned around so he didn't see me but Braden she saw. My eyes changed and my claws came out."

Stiles' eyes were starting to water now.

"After Scott went home she came up to me and said I was a freak. She said I wasn't human and that I deserved to die. She didn't know what I was exactly at the time but she physically bullied me up until 3 years ago when she left for France. Before she left she came up to me one last time and said 'I know what you are foxy, and the next time we meet... your dead'."

Stiles' tears rolled down his cheeks. Derek held him as he cried, whispering sweet things.

Eventually Stiles fell asleep in Derek's arms. Derek knew he had to protect his mate from her. He just didn't know how. So much had happened in such little time. He felt overwhelmed for a moment, but then he looked at his sweet little Stiles and smiled.

He would protect him no matter what.


Hey guys, I hope you like the new chapter!

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Thank you too all the people still reading this! I love you all so much


- Lucy <3

The dark wolf and the kit (Sterek AU)(boyxboy) (ON HOLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن