Chapter 5- Running away

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Stiles in fox form when running away
Stiles tried to run after Derek but with his broken leg and Derek being so fast it was to hard for him to catch up.

When Stiles finally got back to the house, he found Derek sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees, holding his head while looking down.

Once he shut the door. He shifted as far as he could back to his human form, only to be half shifted again. Derek then stood up and stalked over to him, pushing him up against the door.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was! huh?" Derek yelled at him.

Stiles flinched and whimpered, trying to look away from Derek.

"Look at me!"

Stiles didn't move.

Stiles then felt pain in his jaw where Derek had grabbed his face and made him look at him.

"You could of gotten us killed!" He yelled at him again.

"I-I didn't m-mean to." Stiles stuttered.

"You know what leave! I don't want you anymore! No-one would want you! Your worthless! Leave NOW!" Derek growled out of clenched teeth.

Once Derek let Stiles go and turned around. Stiles bolted out the door and back into the preserve limping as he went and followed the sound of what he thought was cars.

Stiles started shifting while running once he was fully shifted he kept running.

Stiles wasn't looking where he was going and soon enough he was on a road and turned his head and stopped just to see two bright lights coming straight towards him.

The next thing he felt was a lot of pain and his body relaxing and shifting back fully this time into his human form. He passed out a couple of seconds later.

What stiles didn't know was that once he had left Derek went to turn back around and apologies for saying those things and that he didn't want him to leave but he was too late. Stiles had left, just like he told him to.

Hey guys so I finally got another chapter done! So I'm going to be updating but it's going to be a little slow so please just hang with me and yeah.
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-Lucy <3

The dark wolf and the kit (Sterek AU)(boyxboy) (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant