Falling in Love

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Hey everyone keep posting ideas and feed back love hearing them. I also want to let everyone know that I am writing a new story that will be one shot songfic so if you have any songs you want a story about please let me know and i will try to write them.

Vanessa's POV

We broke the kiss as my driver came into the room. I knew that it wasn't right to kiss Tyler him being married but I also knew his marriage was about to end. After my driver left the bus I sat and looked into Tyler's eyes. When I looked into his eyes I got lost and in that trap I started leaning back in and kissed him again. This time though no one stopped us, because the next thing I know I was in his lap in a heated make-out session. This lasted a few minutes till I we were out of breath, though right as we were about to kiss again my phone rang, but when I looked I saw that it was Hayley calling me which I really didn't want to answer but I knew I needed to. But as I went to get off Tyler's lap he pulled me back on it.

"Hey Hayley what's up" I said as I answered the call.

"Is Tyler with you, I wouldn't tell him that I was cheating on him, I told him to go to you, did he find you." She asked me.

As she was asking this I was trying to mouth it to Tyler, and he whispered in my ear that I could tell her he was with me.

"Yeah he found me, I didn't want to tell him, but he forced it out of me. I was going to take him out for a calmed down at the gym but it's getting late so I might just wait till we get to where we are going." I told her trying to give as little info as I could.

After I got off the phone with Hayley I started to feel bad because her calling just reminded me that an hour ago he was in love with her and he probably still was, and I was probably just a rebound, but also that he was also still married and I have seen many cases where cheating didn't lead to a divorce.

"Ummmmmmm, I don't know if you want to go to the gym or not but I just think I'm going to umm go to bed." As I went to walk away though Tyler grabbed my arm and pull me back to him, even though I tried to not look him into the eye, but he rubbed his hang on my cheek to look at him.

"Hey what's wrong," he asked me

"Nothing I just got back from running late for wrestling, being a single mom, thank you by the way, sang three songs, got jumped unscripted by my ex, found out he cheated on me while I was pregnant with my best friend, and wrestled the main event, I'm worn out, I am just tired." I said trying to get away with it.

But of course Tyler saw right through it, and I could tell by his face.

"Yeah you might be but that's not what's wrong you were fine more than fine before that phone call and now you seem to not want to be by me. Hey babe, what up, you can tell me anything you know that."

"Nothing, okay just......... just......... UGHHHh... I don't know okay. I have no clue how to feel right now. Your married, an hour ago, you loved your wife, and I know that she cheated on you, but I mean, you two are perfect together, and I don't want whatever just happened to happen because your mad or sad and tomorrow will be nothing. Okay I am scared, is that what you want to hear." I said and ran to my room in my tour bus locking it, and cried in my pillow.

I heard Tyler come to the door and try it, and knowing him when he heard me cry he walked away probably a little hurt, which only hurt me more. A few minutes later I felt the bus start moving so I guess that meant that we were leaving to head to the next place.

After the emotional toll that I had went through today you would of thought that I was dead tired, but I just wanted to make sure Tyler was okay, I didn't know what to do so I called my good friend BCole and hoped that I didn't wake them up or interrupt them.

After it ringed for a minute I was about to hang up when I heard her say hello. It didn't sound like I woke her up so I started in on my monologue.

"I don't know what to do, I need help, Hayley cheated on Tyler, and I had to tell him that she cheated on him with Seth, and then we kissed and then kissed a little more, but then Hayley called and broke us apart and I talked to her, she knew that I knew because I found them, and she had me tell Tyler about the cheating, and then I ended the call and then Tyler tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away because I was scared I was a rebound or just going to be a mistake in the morning, and then I locked myself in my room, and now I don't know if I should talk to Tyler." I said fast

When I was done, I realized that I was in a full-on sob fit and was having trouble breathing. I could hear BCole talking to BK about what I just said when I heard her tell me to calm done and slowly say the ending of that that she had lost me after Hayley cheating on him.

"Hey hold on V, do you mind if I put you in speaker so Brian can hear," I heard her ask quick I told her sure because he could probably help.

So, I slowly started saying what I was saying before a little calmer.

"So after I left you guys by the ring I went to get the kids, well Randy got them after his match from Seth, well Seth left her bottle and diaper bag in your guys room, so I walked over to get them, but when I walked into your room, I found Seth and Hayley, making out and found some other details but I don't want to tell you guys though, but I did find out Seth had been cheating on me with Hayley since before I got pregnant. Well I told her I would give her till Friday to tell Tyler about the affair because I couldn't bear to put Tyler through that. So after that I left and went to Randy's locker room to get the kids when Tyler knocked on the door asking why Hayley was crying and got a text to tell him, so Randy agreed to take the kids for the night, and I brought Tyler to my bus, well he ended up kissing me, and I liked it... NO I loved it and well I kissed him back and then Hayley called seeing if I told him and how he was doing. After we got off the phone he tried to kiss me again when I pushed him away. I was scared I would be a rebound, or that it was just because he was upset and it was like clouding his judgement. But mainly I was scared that tomorrow they would make up and I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him, but I think I already did. I ran from him and locked myself in my room. But now I really want to just go out there and be in his arms what should I do." I asked

"VANESSA VANESSA VANESSA, he really cares about you, between you and I he wrote HOLY about you not Hayley, he would never hurt you, I really think he loves you V. When you told us, that Seth had cheated on you, he was furious, more then he would be as a friend. Go to him, he will never hate you." I heard BK say in the background. Then BCole said,

"Girly you guys would be great for each other, you know he doesn't do rebounds, or mistakes. But you also mainly know that he would never forgive cheating, especially not his wife cheating on him with his best friend's husband. And not after what you went through with Seth cheating on you. Just like Brian said GO TO HIM." She yelled and before I could say anything back she hung up on me.


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