A Heart Breaking Secret Revealed

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Tribute to the troops had been over for about an hour now but, most superstars and staff including Vanessa, Tyler, Brian and even Brians wife BCole where still shaking hands with military and family, but Vanessa was missing her family, so she said bye to the boys and started heading towards Seths locker to see if the kids where in there.

Vanessa's POV

I was walking towards my locker room when I saw my worst enemy, Eva Marie, you see she was the biggest slut there was in the WWE. I say this because right after me and Seth got married she tried to get with him, almost getting us to break-up.

"What do you want Eva" I annoyingly asked her.

"Ooooohhhhhhhh I was just looking for someone that you know of, Sethie." She manically said to me. You see these two started dating after we broke up, I mean really he left me to be with a hoe that was cheating on him, yeah with some no one in NXT, thank goodness he came to his senses and left her, and I found out thanking the gods above that she was not the one he loved.

"Don't know I was looking for him to but since you are I'll just go look in Tylers dressing room for my kids." I said and kept walking.

I had been walking around for about 20 minutes looking for Tyler's room when I was stopped by Tom for a WWE Exclusive Interview.

"Vanessa, I have toask how does it feel, not only being th youngest WWE Heavyweight Champion but to be the women to hold this belt." He asked

"You know what tonight it wasn't about winning it was about me and my good friend Mark you know The Undertaker to put on the best show for the troops not only hear but in Afganistan, Pakistan, the Middle East, where are troops are at instead of with there family. But ummmmm I came out here I put my body on the line, you know I have a black eye, ice on my shoulder, umm I'm guessing I have some bruised ribs but it was all worth it. You know me and taker we gave this crowd a WrestleMania worthy match and ummm I hope they liked it and one day me and taker can do this at WrestleMania, hoping I get to well beat the streak."(In this story undertaker beat Brock Lesner)

"On that note, Undertaker will probably want a rematch tomorrow are you ready for that."

"Mentally yes, physically probably not, but that's wrestling I put my life on the line, and I pray I walk out of the ring and able to wrestle again you know winning is just a added bonus."

Tom went to talk but I kindly interrupted him saying, "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but I got to rest, I was actually looking for my kids running around here, so I got to cut this here, if you have any more questions let me know I'll answer tomorrow or later on. Gotta go bye love y'all." And I went to walk away but there was the man himself The Undertaker.

"Congradulations, you deserved this, you gave me the match of my career. And I will be honored to face you at WrestleMania." He shook my hand and walked away.

After that I left. This time I got all the way to Tylers dressing room, believing this time that I was going to walk in and see Tyler, was Stephanie McMahon, Triple H and Vince McMahon, but now I realized that Total Divas Camera Man was following me.

"Vanessa honey, you did amazing, tonight, WOW I knew there was a reason you did the best here. You fight for everything you do," she said and before I could say anything Vince started talking,

"Now we saw your interview, but that's not what we are here for, Mark came to us, and said he wanted you at WrestleMania, now we don't know how we are doing this, but it will be you and Taker, in the main event, for the title," he paused for a minute but when I talked to he continued. "and we where stoked, but then he said he wanted you to defeat the streak, what do you think."

I was quite for a moment but then I saw taker in the corner in the shadows, " I will face Taker at WrestleMania for my title but I will not go in there and beat him, I will go in there and like tonight I will fight for my title and I will do that again in an unscripted, match but if I go in there and fight my dream and his record I want it a history making match even it I lose." After I said that we talked for a little while more but then they left and as I was walking up to the door, I got a text from Randy with him saying Seth brought them to him, but he left the diaper bag in Tyler's locker room.

Without thinking I walked in and what I saw made my blood curdle. There was Hayley cheating on Tyler in the worst way, she was having sex, now I couldn't see this guys face but he had long black hair. I felt disgusted and wanted to leave, so I grabbed the diaper bag and went to leave when I heard a voice that made my blood still and go ice cold, my Ex-Husband Seth Rollins.

At that point I knew I had to intervine, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON." I yelled.

Obviously that got there attention because they jumped so high, "OMG you left me to go date my best friends wife, and you Hayley, why are you cheating on Tyler, I mean he loves you more then Seth ever could."

Hayley couldn't even say anything which doesn't surprise me. But then she told me to understand. Understand, how could I understand.

"Please don't tell Tyler, I don't know how to tell him, please don't, you know, you know Tyler he's had so much heart break, I can't go put him through more." She begged.

"You know what, I won't tell him, yet. I will give you till the tour starts, so you have a week, but listen here you don't tell him or he asks me whats going on with you again, because he has, and I will tell him."

"What do you mean asks about me." She questioned.

"He asked me why you've been acting weird, well now I know. You know what just answer me with this, how long, is Kristina even Tylers, are you the reason that Seth divorced me." As I was asking these questions, Seth snuck out but I didn't care I wanted answers from Hayley.

"Yes Kristina is Tylers. It wasn't till Kristina was born that we started to have an affair."

"WAIT AN AFFAIR, Seth told be he didn't cheat on me, now your telling me you've been with my husband since not only we've been married, but since before I got pregnant, while I was home suffering, from placental abruptions, Placenta previa, preclamsia and he wasn't able to be with me he was with you, how could you. You let me cry on your shoulder while I was going on about my husband wanting a divorce you where sleeping with him." At that moment I felt backstabbed heart broken and was just dying to tell him, but I couldn't bear putting him in the pain I was in.

When Hayley went to talk, I waved her off grabbed my kids bags and left. After I had closed the door I sunk down, and cried, but not for to long because I heard my best friend coming around the corner so I stood up, bowed my head, and quickly walked by.

When I got to Randy's locker room I did the only thing I could think of, and poored my heart out asking him what I should do.

"Hey, that is up to you, I know if it was Kim that cheated on me then I would want to know now, that's just me. Kim do you have any ideas."

At that moment I realized that Randy's amazing wife was behind him with my kids asleep on the couch.

"I agree with Randy honey, but I understand, it's hard to tell the man you love that his wife is cheating on him."

Wait did she just say love, I don't love Tyler. "Wait Kim, I don't love Tyler I don't even have feelings for him," I responded.

She just looked at me with a womens look like I know what I'm talking about. "Honey, I know love when I see it. You might not realize it but you will."

At that point I heard a knock on the door. Randy went to the get the door but then got my attention. When I turned around I saw the third person I didn't want to see I saw Tyler Hubbard.

"Hey I just came from my locker room and saw Hayley crying, do you know why?" he asked me, well it was moment of truth.

"Ummmmmm yeah, I know why it's ummmmmmmm because............"

To Be Continued.

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