Tribute to the Troops

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Vanessa's POV

I was probably looking a little crazy running around with a four-month-old and a four-year-old, trying to get to hair and make-up, oh and let's not forget dressed for wrestling. I had just gotten done with my last practice match with my hero and for tonight's tribute to the troops match, and was running late looking for either my ex-husband/baby daddy, what I like to call my adopted mom and dad the McMahon/Levesque Stephanie and Hunter, or my best friends Florida Georgia Lines own Tyler Hubbard or Brian Kelley or their wives. Now don't get me wrong I would normally go to their locker room and I went to Seth's the others were on the other side of the arena and I was already late. As I saw the makeup department, I caught an image that would 100% lighten up my mood, Tyler Hubbard sitting in a chair getting his make-up done. "OMG, Ty this is so what I needed for my day. But since I gotcha here... can you please watch Jake and Sadie. I can't find Hunter or Steph and as usual Seth is busy doing something and I didn't have enough time to go to yours or Steph's because they are on the whole other side of the arena, and I'm running late I still have makuuuuuuumppppppppp."

"Shut-up V, I got it. Come on little ones let's go eat some chocolate."

But before I could say anything about the chocolate or even some thanks for watching the kids, Tyler was around the corner, and I was already being shoved into a makeup chair, with people surrounding me threating me if I move while they got my hair and makeup situated.

I was in this chair for about another hour as the got my makeup perfected, the one thing I hated about being a WWE Diva was all the makeup that I had to put on. Oh, and don't even get me started on the perfume sprays that strange me to death or the amount of hair spray in my hair that would make water stick up straight. But I also loved coming out of makeup and feeling beautiful, but that was probably because Seth would always make me wear so much makeup that it was sickening. After I had gotten my makeup done I was in wardrobe trying on like 6 different designs to see what was the best. Since this was my first match back since have a 7 lb 4 oz little girl and gaining about 30 pounds to lose about 25 of it I had a lot to try on before I found one that fit perfectly and appropriately where I wouldn't have to worry about a wardrobe malfunction. After about an hour of trying to get wrestling outfits, which is a pain in the butt, I finally found merged from the locker room in my gear, and was getting ready for my promo.

It was about a half an hour after I got done with my outfit I finally found my kids, they were all past out in Tyler's dressing room, that was including Hayley and Tyler, but I didn't blame them one bit on that, they were a wrestlers kids, my blood is full of caffeine I can't stop moving neither can my kids, I was actually surprised to see the kids asleep not so much with Tyler pasted out he's always the first. I felt so sorry to wake up Tyler, he looked so cute asleep on the floor with my kids wrapped around him. OMG I didn't just think that did I, NO he's married and he's only my friend. Even though I didn't want to we had a show to put on for a bunch of Americas finest.

"Tyler, Tyler hunny it's time to wake up........Tyler...............Tyler, you have to wake up its time to start filming."

Nothing was working so the next thing could do was tickle him and that woke him up immediately."

Tyler's POV

It felt like I had just closed my eyes for a nice nap after a few exhausting hours with these three munchkins, my daughter included, that I was being awoken up to an angelic voice, one that I would love to wake up to everyday. But you could probably see the shock in my face when I opened my eyes that I saw the beautiful crystalized brown eyes of my best friend, instead of my wife blue eyes. Oh, no I couldn't of thought that, we are just friends, you know what the only reason I probably thought that was because I was sleep deprived, not because my wife hadn't showed me love, or interest in like 3 months. I love my wife I do.

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