"Yes, but I am not stupid like him or you."

She gets confuse and asks why her. Oops, totally forgot that no one knows about her little secret.

"I know what happen between you and Angel, Lily's friend. You cheated on Jackson with him," I answer her.

"Who the fuck told you that? Was it her?" Rachel exclaims.

"It doesn't matter who told me, but you were falling for Angel weren't you?" I ask.

Rachel shakes her head, "It's not of your business and it's in the past. You aren't gonna tell Jackson right?" Her voice is so worried but I say no.

"Okay whatever; I just wanted to tell you that. Believe it or not, I am trying to change. So I guess I have to start by being respectful with you," Rachel says before she leaves. The bell rings and I head for History.


I am waiting for Joe but he isn't here! It's already like an hour after school and I am the only one here! I call him but he doesn't answer, gosh.

"You need a ride?" Jackson pops out of nowhere.

"It's okay, Joe will be here." I answer.

"You sure? Or I can wait with you till he comes so you wont be alone."

He sits next to me and asks about my day. I just tell him it was okay; I don't want to make a conversation. Jackson notices my attitude and he starts to sing.

"What the? Why are singing?" I ask.

He stops, "Because I hate the silence."

I check the time 5:45! I look at Jackson, "Is it too late for me to get a ride?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Nope, let's go."

We arrive to my house, "Is Paul okay? I heard he is sick," Jackson asks.

He walks me to my door, "Yeah he is okay. I think he will be back to school on Wednesday."

I open the door and go in, "Thanks, I guess I see you in class."

Jackson smiles, "See, we can be friends."

"I guess," I say.

He just says goodbye and leaves.

Suddenly my stomach starts to hurt. The pain gets worse and worse that I screaming for help. Jackson barely got in the car so he heard my screams of agony.

"Aah! It hurts!" I yell.

Jackson comes to my side and gets me on the couch. He keeps asking where it hurts and if I'm okay.

"Jesus! Let me call Joe," I hear Jackson say.

Oh no, my baby! My baby! No, why is it hurting? Please please be okay baby, please.

I start to cry out of the worry and pain. I cant loose the baby, no!


"Joe! Dude, Widow's stomach is hurting and I don't think it is just a regular ache." I say.

"Okay, I will be there in 15 minutes, call Sarah on Widow's phone. Just tell her she is having pain in her lower stomach, she will know what to do. Got it?" Joe asks.

I say okay and go to Widow. She is laying on the couch holding her stomach in agony.

"Widow, I'm going to get help okay? Just hold on." I say.

I dial Sarah, and she only tells me to give her some pills she has already. "Give her those pills and tea and it will go away. It is nothing to worry about, the baby and her will be okay." Wait, what? What baby?

"If the pain doesn't go away and bleeding occurs bring her over here okay?"

I just nod and hang up. What?


I get my legs to run to her room and grab the medicine. I give her some and get tea ready. I hear her cries go to a simple whimper.

"Here, this will get you better." I say. I give Widow the tea and let her drink.

"Thank you, I am okay now. I don't know why it suddenly hurt like that," Widow says.

She manages to sit and drinks her rest of the tea.

I heard right? Widow is pregnant? I feel so numb and confuse. This can be happening, she can't be pregnant! Right?

"Jackson, you okay?" she asks.

"I don't think so, you're pregnant?" I ask.

Her eyes pop out and she starts to get nervous. "No, come on, me having a baby?"

I shake my head, "I called Sarah, she told me your pregnant, that's why your stomach was hurting."

Widow's eyes overflow with water and they fall to her cheeks. "Yes I am pregnant, please I am so sorry Jackson! I didn't mean it or Paul, please don't get upset."

How can she expect me to be happy for her? She is having a baby and it is not mine.

"You guys don't know what a fucking condom is?!" I exclaim. I stand up and walk around.

"We were drunk! I knew what was happening but I didn't think about it! Besides, we had sex after we broke up." Widow says.

NO! This is bullshit! Why is this happening? Why can that be my baby? This is just another reason for her to stay with Paul, I cant never be with her.


He begins to cry and shakes his head. He is denial now, he cant accept it.

"Please Jackson, calm down."

"How do you expect me to be happy for you when you are having a baby? Huh, Widow?" Jackson asks me.

"I know, I am not asking for you to throw me a baby shower, but just be understandable,"

Jackson sits down on the couch next to me; he has his head down. I hear the door open and in comes Joe.

"You okay? You want to go to the hospital?" he asks me.

I say no, I just tell him I want to rest. Jackson excuses himself and leaves.

"He knows huh?" Joe asks. I just nod.

"He hates me now," I say.

"You shouldn't care Widow, he is not important anymore. Don't worry, you have to be calm," Joe says, "For the baby, okay?"

I agree with him and hug him. I need someone to say that everything will be okay, I guess Joe is the person right now. He pets my hair and whispers that he loves me but this time is a different love that I feel from him.

"Okay, go to sleep, get rest." Joe says.

I walk slowly to my room and lay down. I touch my stomach, and the feeling of almost loosing my baby gets to me. I don't want to cry much, I cant feel stronger emotions without hurting it.

"Everything will be okay, right?"

I am Widow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora