Dunce Cap

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Cannot sleep, cannot dream
Trying my best to get by
And I just wonder why...

It already feels like winter again

You give a little nod my way
I send a little smile back
And I wonder where this will ever get me...

It feels like I'm sleeping standing up

Lunar tick, lunar tock
I have a bunch up in my sock

It's like an itch I cannot find
Going out of my mind
Thinking of things I should not

Lunar tock, Lunar tick
My head is fevered and I'm sick

It's like a pain that is a pleasure
And a trap that is a treasure
Yet my eyes cannot avert from your direction

Sleep little lad, tired and confused
Life isn't such a puzzle
Is it time to be amused
Or time to wear a muzzle?

Yet to speak, to whisper of such things
Is the pattern of paupers and kings
And prisoners who dream of their freedom

If you frolic, if you play,
Maybe a moment or a day
All you knew could fly away
In a tornado

But what is it that keeps you bound
Paper from trees, chains at the knees
Or a truer place that you've found?

Up in the air where the Looney bird hollers
And the eyes of thousand lashes bat
I sit on the cloud of contemplation
Wearing my tall, dunce cap

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