Chapter Four: The Training Under the Stars

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Oh my gosh guys, I'm so sorry! But SOMEONE - *glares at Rainy Days* - FLAMED ME AND I GOT REALLY HURT. Okay, if you don't like the story you don't have to read it, you know.

ShadowClan ran from the camp. Starpaw smiled. She'd won! No one could hurt her family now.

Starpaw!" said Firestar. "It's time we train! I want to show you how to fight!"

"Okay," said Starpaw happily. "But you just saw that I could fight, right?"

"Well, yeah," said Firestar. "But I wanted to see if that was all you knew."


They went to the forest together while the other cats cleaned up the bodies.

"Okay, Starpaw," said Firestar once they got there. "We'll start with how to dodge."

"C'mon, that's too easy!" yelled Starpaw. She'd just beat Blackstar. She was ready for anything!

"Okay okay," mewled Firestar, "Let's learn how to claw an opponent."

"Yeah!" yowled Starpaw. She jumped at Firestar, not giving him time to attack. She hit his side, and he didn't move; he was too surprised. She clawed him, and he started bleeding.

"Wow, Starpaw," he said. "You're doing awesome."

"Really?" gasped Starpaw. She didn't think she was doing that good. Was she really special like the prophecy foretold?

"Yes, Starpaw," snarled Firestar. "I couldn't even get away fast enough. Only Scourge did that before."

"OH MY GOSH, REALLY?" asked Starpaw. Scourge? THE Scourge!? She heard so much about him. He was really evil and killed a lot of cats. "I'm like Scourge!?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Firestar said hastily. "I meant you were a good fighter. It's really cool." At that minute, he thought to himself, Starpaw's so kawaii. Look at her eyes and her fur.

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

They trained for a while. Later, Starpaw beat Firestar eight times. She let him win once to make him feel better. And by the last one, she was a little tired.

"Hey Firestar, can we hunt now?" said Starpaw. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Oh, we will if you want." Firestar was disappointed; he and Starpaw had been having so much fun.

So they went hunting. Starpaw messed up a couple of times, but Firestar said it was okay since it was only her second time (she had her first time when she was a little kit; she and Firestar had snuck out together. That's why he chose her as his apprentice).

Later that night, Starpaw looked up at the stars. She and Firestar had so much fun this day. They'd brought back enough food for the whole Clan.

Looking up at the stars, she turned to her best friend, Jazzpaw, and said, "Do you think we'll ever be up there?"

"Yeah, totally," said Jazzpaw. "I mean, you'll be leader and I'll be deputy one day. We'll have to!"

"Yeah," said Starpaw, smiling. She loved Jazzpaw; (NOT IN THAT WAY YOU SICKOS!) they were best friends. She looked up at the stars again and smiled, then fell asleep with the voices of StarClan whispering in her head.


(lol You like it Jazzy? I made you as kawaii as I could.)

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