When Darkness Comes

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who loves me;}

A ship, as long as a football field and half as wide, hovered over the Planet of Earth, hiding itself in stealth mode. The planet below them was a clear, shimmering blue; a color Jax Farth saw little of on his home planet. There were a few islands, brown and green, spotted over the tiny, so-called planet. His planet's moon was bigger than this! Finding Zena here would be easy as pie, if only he knew what she looked like. Carth, his personal android, strolled across the room and clamped a real-looking hand on his shoulder, an uncertain look on his face. "Jax, are you sure you want to do this? She probably doesn't even know who we are anymore. It has been some time...and...Jax?" Jax scowled. He had a feeling he knew what was coming after Carth's pause, and he didn't want to hear it. His fists clenched as Carth continued. "She...might not have even made it. And..." Jax didn't let him finish, knocking his reassuring hand off and spinning around to face his friend. "Carth, you've been trying to talk me out of it ever since we started out! That's enough! Now that we're here, there's nothing that can stop me. I never thought I'd say it, but the lives of millions depend on us and whether or not we succeed in bringing The Chosen One back. You heard the Mittilions, the planet is being exterminated - and everything that's on it. Millions will die, simply because they can't afford a ticket. I can't let that happen - and neither can you. I'm going - are you coming?" He was glaring now, angry at the fates that had brought him here, to this forsaken part of Space and this tiny, blue rock. Carth's eyes shined with indecision, but still he didn't say he'd go. Jax spun around and placed a finger on the molecular transport button, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He was about to push the button when the control room erupted in chaos - red lights flashed and alarms squealed - an image flashed on the grid as Carth switched on the imagery equipment. It blurred at first, fizzing and crackling with gray black static as Carth tried to zoom in on the object of alarm - a large warship, five football fields in length and at least that in width was heading toward them in stealth mode, slowly but surly making it's way through the mine field of space debris. "A Mittilion Battle ship! How did they find us so quickly?!?" Carth yelled in despair. Thinking fast, Jax slid into a drop pod and set the controls -"Carth, take care of the ship. I’ll call you when I find her – give me one sun revolution to find her. The Mittilions will stop their pursuit temporarily if they believe we've found the Destined One - but they'll give us hell when I get back, so be prepared." Carth nodded and jumped to the controls, glaring at them as he worked out an escape route. Breathing deeply, Jax closed the Pod's door and pressed the launch button, shooting out of the small, ancient ship toward the Island of North America with a loud whooshing sound, plummeting down, down, down, closer and closer to impact.

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