John was holding back his laughing and walked closer to the tub, lowering his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like I should tell you that the others are already here. Including Aaron and the Schuyler sisters." Alex went pale and hid his face in the bubbles, internally screaming. "Let me change." He mumbled. Thomas nodded to John and John went to the living room. Thomas got up and grabbed Alexander's robe, wrapping him up in it and sending him on his way while he drained the tub. He slipped on his boxers and shirt, and grabbed his jeans from the day before, walking into the living room and awkwardly waving at the group of people that probably mostly didn't like him. Peggy cocked her head to the side and raised a brow.

"Jefferson what are you doing at Hamilton's house?" Angelica sighed, "What was that Alex was saying about bruises?" She looked about ready to fuck up a bitch while she cracked her knuckles, a sign that she was indeed about ready to fuck up a bitch. Thomas blushed and shook his head, nervously laughing when Alex walked in wearing a turtleneck and jeans. The clothes outlined his features well and thankfully covered the marks Thomas had left from the night before. GOOD, NO REASON TO SHOW THAT OFF ON THE FIRST TIME... FIRST TIME... Thomas looked away and questioned himself, WAS THAT ALEXANDER'S FIRST TIME? WE ARE 19 I MEAN... OH GOD... Alexander started talking with the others and Thomas grabbed a cup of coffee, sitting down in between Alex and John. He felt a bit out of place at first, not sure if he should put himself into the conversation or not, but he eventually slid into it with ease, joining in here and there with minor opinions and comments.

"So, Jefferson, why are you here?" Angelica asked, still ready to fuck up a bitch. Alex blurted, "We were talking. We're besties now." Jefferson glared and sneered, "Oh yeah?"

"Hamilton I swear to God."
"Okay truth is me and Jefferson are fucking and I'm planning on asking him out soon. We were just in the bath together being all gay and fluffy and shit. Satisfied, Jefferson?"

Jefferson's entire face was red. The others were laughing their asses off, oblivious to Jefferson's embarassment.

"Well," Hercules laughed, "You did kinda yell that earlier so we assumed. And you hate wearing turtlenecks." Alex looked down and scratched his head. "Oh yeah. Good point. Well, anyway-"

"I'm gonna go." Jefferson mumbled, his face still blood red. Alex looked at him and laughed a bit. "What?" He questioned, standing up with Jefferson. Thomas grabbed his things and went to the door, ignoring Alex. Alex went after him, following him all the way to the corner street. Thomas hailed a cab, a blank expression on his face. "Thomas why are you leaving we're all having so much fun!"

"I'm not." Thomas snapped, crossing his arms as the cab just sped by. Alex looked away. "Okay, well, why not-"

"I wasn't really prepared to go ahead and tell your entire clique that we're dating. Let alone fucking each other." He explained, shooting a glare. Alex asked, "Clique? We aren't a clique, Jefferson, shut up. It's my friends they're not gonna tell anybody it's fine." Thomas rolled his eyes and sneered, "Yeah they are and I didn't want anybody to know. Thanks." A taxi finally pulled over and Alex grabbed Thomas' wrist.

"Don't insult my friends just because you can't get any, Jefferson!" He snapped, pulling him back. Thomas growled and shoved him. "I'll do whatever the hell I want Hamilton! Shut up and go back to your fun little tea party!"

Hamilton stomped his foot and yelled, "I said don't insult them and FINE!!!"


Thomas finally got in the taxi and Hamilton kicked the car before it drove away. He debated in finding jefferson's house and keying his car, but before he could think again he went home. Tears were already starting to form in his eyes and his hands were shaking. When he made it home he was full out sobbing. The only ones there were John, Laf, and Herc. They rushed to his side in a snap. John grabbed tissues, Laf hugged Alex, and Hercules wrapped a blanket around him, laying him on the couch.

"I DON'T KNOW WHY MY LIFE IS JUST GETTING WORSE EVERY DECISION I MAKE." Alex snapped when John asked what was wrong. He stayed quiet and rubbed Alexander's back. Lafayette whispered, "He will come back to you, Alexander. He always will."


Hercules grinned and said, "I'm beat the shit outta his ass." Alexander nodded and buried his head in the blankets. There was sudden knocking on the door and Alex sat up, wiping his eyes. "Tell them to go away!" He whined, similar to a child. Lafayette went to the door and opened it, smiling. "Go away." He was about to slam the door but Thomas Jefferson rushed in and grabbed Alex.

Alex struggled for a second but then quickly recognized it as a hug. He let out a sob and wrapped his arms around Jefferson's neck.

"I'm here I'm so sorry please don't hate me oh my god I am so sorry-"
"I love you in sorry-"
"You have amazing friends-"
"I love you-"
"I love you more."

The others left to give them privacy and Jefferson kissed Alex, pulling him closer. Alex wiped his eyes and sniffed. "From now on," Thomas said, "No more fighting... no more fighting between us... no more of this." Alex nodded and kissed his boyfriend. Boyfriend Alex thought that's has such a lovely ring to it~

Burned in our Skin ((jamilton))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora