Chapter 7: Skyline To

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Summer's not as long as it used to be.

Everyday it counts like crazy

Wanna get soaked?

Wanna film a tape on a speed boat?

We smell of  Californication

Can you call, when I call again?

{Side note: ugh Frank Ocean being bougie and won't put the song on youtube, so play it through spotify or something while you read the chapter. ITS SUCH A GREAT SONG AND IT FITS THE MOOD SO GOOD}

"Ugh, I'm never gonna get this right!" Mars exclaimed, throwing her skateboard down on the pavement in frustration.  I had been trying to teach her how to laser flip for about 2 weeks now,  and despite us coming to the skate park everyday she was still landing on her a*s every 4 seconds.

"Yep, your right. I guess your just a sh*tty skater who will never be successful in life, and you will lose all your friends and your job and everyone will hate you and you'll die alone surrounded by 87 cats and the occasional male stripper-"

"Shut the hell up, f*g." she grabbed her board and smacked me in the head with it. She plopped down beside me on the rim of the drained pool, and we just watched the other skaters roll by, enjoying the sunset. This was what we had been doing for the past couple weeks, Mars and I just d*cking around at the skate park till sunset. The wolves had been holding down the OF store lately, so it's just been me and Mars.

Not that I was complaining.

I turned and sat cross legged from Mars, resting my head in my hands and taking in all her glory. Her face was glowing, slightly damp from all the skating we did all day. Her face soft and serene, lost in her own little world. She was humming some strange tune to herself, but then stopped abruptly when she caught me eying her up and down. I kept staring, because I was that kid in school. The type to stare at you from across the room and keep staring, even if you caught them looking. I honestly didn't give a f*ck then and I don't give one now; she was so damn gorgeous.

"The f*ck you staring at me for, weirdo," she said softly,pretending to be bothered by it.  I just smiled and kept looking. I knew she liked the attention I was giving her by the way she'd heat up when she caught me staring, tracing patterns on her bronze legs, the patterns rising higher and higher up her skirt.

Wonder what that taste like...

"Sh*t!" I winced,  as she popped my hand from rising any further into her Promised Land. Or whatever the f*ck the place is called, hell I hadn't read a Bible in well...ever.

"Ya pedophile," she smirked, fighting off a blush. She returned back to her little song she kept humming. It sounded kind of nice, actually. It reminded me of this moment with her, watching the sunset, seeming alone from the world. Sh*t gets so hectic here in LA, with my career finally starting to pick up a little steam and Odd Future bigger than ever, it was nice to wind down, live in these small little moments with Mars. She was my escape, my get away.

A world of my own.

I reached into my OF bag and pulled out my sketchbook, were I just scribbled down or doodled whatever inspired me at the moment.

Let's run away, from here

Cause it's not

Working out on Earth, my dear...

I shut the notebook, feeling bored with all this. I wanted to do something fun, get away from everything.

"You wanna go somewhere Mars? Like a huge road trip; just me and you?"

She picked up her board and grinned.

"I thought you'd never ask."
SKKK ok so i got some 🌚 plans 🌚 for the next chapter but tbh im not good at writing ~love~ scenes and i don't think i could do it but i feel like it's necessary 😭 I'll figure out a way around it  tho what should i do


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