Chapter 4: Cigarrette Song

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I can't love you,
I won't love you
But if you want the light,
I'll supply it.
I'll provide you,
With these cigarettes
Light it up girl, have a ball
It's gonna kill ya, kill ya...





What the f*ck did I just do?

Me and Tyler were just friends, nothing more. I didn't mean for our little flirting game to turn into this.

The way he looked at me after I pulled away, God, I nearly crumbled. I wanted to run back into his arms and pick up exactly where we left off, and pretend that everything was right in the world.

But I didn't.

Like the hurricane I was, I messed up everything around me, and left others to pick up the pieces.

My phone rings, bringing me out of cloud of self-pity. I look at the caller ID, and immediately groan out in frustration. It was my boyfriend, the one I was supposed to be lip-locking with, not my "friend".


I quickly hit decline, then pulled over. I needed someone to help me, and all those fake a*s friends I had gained through modeling were just for show.

As much as I hate to admit it, I need Mars.


She was long gone, and I was still standing here, confused as f*ck. I know I f*ck up as much as the next n*gga, but I genuinely don't understand why the f*ck she'd just dip out on me like that.

Wait a f*cking minute. Why am I getting all pissy and sh*t over some model broad?

I pushed down all the mixed emotions I had swirling around me, and hopped onto Slater. Just a quick ride to clear my head, and I should be back to normal. Not crying over some white girl like a f*g.

I found myself at the OF store, and was immediately greeted by gay-a*s Taco.

"So, how'd it go n*gga, you f*cked her or what?!?" He yelled.

The wolves were the ones that actually convinced me to grow a pair and ask Salem to be my girl. Last time I listened to they dumba*ses.

I pushed the n*gga off me. "No n*gga, get the f*ck outta my face. Breath smell like hot cheetos and the great depression," I grumbled.

"Man, f*ck you then, that's why she rejected yo great-value Will Smith heada*s," he laughed.

"Whatever, n*gga," I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to roast. I went in the store looking for something to eat in the back. The other wolves had enough sense not to say sh*t to me, obviously picking up on the pissy mood I was in. I finessed the last two packs of strawberry poptarts, then went to the roof of the building.

It was my one of my favorite places to think, besides the lake. The store faced the west, and if you come up here at the perfect time you can catch the sunset. Some people think it's sus, but they're just trapped in their way of thinking. Beauty is beauty to me, and just because I'm a n*gga doesn't mean I can't enjoy the sh*t.

It was weird today, an odd mix of oranges, pinks, and purples.

It was different and beautiful.

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