Chapter 6: Not So Different

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We can run through the sun and forget this place

Fickle heart, Fickle mind you wrapped my blind,

You wanna run? So let's run
You can run but you can't hide.

I look up from my masterpiece to see Mars rushing out of the restroom, a look of distress on her face.

"Hey, what's u-" She blasted right past me as if she didn't see me. Something was obviously wrong. I slapped a 20$ on the table and ran after her.

"Yo, what the f*ck is going on- what the he- slow the f*ck down Mars, Jesus."  The b*tch transformed into Usain, I could barely keep up. I finally caught up to her and yanked her fragile arms, pulling her close.

"Tyler what the hell are you doing, I have to go-I have to help her-" I shook her hard, and she snapped out of it. Her small face lost its glazed over look, and was focused now, like she finally realized I was there.

"I need you to take a deep breathe, and tell me what the f*ck is going on." I stared deep into her dark eyes. Her face was hard and determined.


"My friend, my friend Salem is in trouble, but I don't know where she is-"

Her name was all I had to hear,

"I know the way." I flagged down a speeding cab.

I know the way to her like the back of my hand.

4 Hours Later

"Ouch, sh*t that hurt," Salem yelped as I fixed up the minor cuts and bruises that covered her face. Me and Ty found her in her apartments, bucking and brawling with her supposed boyfriend. She was so angry, kicking and screaming like a f*cking animal, but after see me and Tyler she crumbled, and her punk a*s boyfriend scampered away. Fast forward, and we were sitting in my apartment, f*cking up my sheets with her bloody nose, and ruining my perfect date, all because of her crazy a*s boyfriend.


At least that's what I tried to tell myself I was irritated over, and not at the way Tyler stared at her when he thought nobody was looking, or the way he held her in his arms like she was his universe the whole drive over.

Or the fact that he knew her house by heart. Which meant he had been in it.

Several times.

I internally sighed.

I never had a chance, did I?

"All done." I shut my first aid kid and slid it back into the medicine cabinet in my tiny bathroom, in my tiny apartment. I was too tired to be embarrassed about my little abode compared to their lake houses and condos.

"Thanks Mars...I really owe you one." Salem stated, awkwardly fidgeting in my bathroom. She was way out of line, and she knew it. "Everything you said was right, I only call you when I need you and I'm trash and I'm so sorry, I shoulda handled Samuel on my own , he's down this before and I-"

I pulled her into an embrace, and the tears she had been fighting all day to hold back fell. She was stubborn like me, and hated to feel weak, and I knew it this ate her up inside.

And despite all the bullsh*t she put me through, she was still my friend; and needed me. I pulled her back, and put both hand square on her shoulders, staring deep into her eyes. "First of all, don't you ever, ever let a man put his hands on you. You are no punching bag, and the first time he did it should have been the last. And second," I paused, looked at her bruised, scratched up face. She looked hopeful, and real, like the Salem I knew before the Hollywood. Scratched up, busted lip, messy hair all disheveled, but still a fire in her eyes.

"Girl, you gotta learn how to fight cuz then lil baby kicks you was throwing, was not the move." She stared at me blankly, and erupted into laughter that I soon joined in. We were laughing hysterically, that gut-wrenching, wheezing, otter-clap, dry heaving laugh that only your best friend could make you do. 

Eventually we settled down, Salem grabbing her things and swearing off of women beaters, and I swearing the same. I shut the door behind her, slid down it and sigh.

What a day. Finally I relax in peace and quiet-

"What the f*ck is going on?" Tyler sat up from my couch, awaken by the ruckus of me and Em's shenanigans.

And then I remember this n*gga was still at my house, and let out a groan.

"Well damn, f*ck you too then." He stuck his tongue out at me and laid back down, making himself right at home on my couch.

I couldn't help but laugh.

A lil something for y'all, since I can't sleep🤷🏾‍♀️🌚
Also that's Mars in the memo, I made her a chocolate baddie since y'all love pretending only lightskin curly hair "mixed" looking chicks exist on this app🙂

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