twenty five;

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isabelle and i held hands while walking into her manager's building. immediately i saw isabelle change into a professional woman. her back straightened, shoulders relaxed, her hands tightened to mine, her head up.

the girl at the front desk noticed isabelle and immediately got up to embrace my girl.

"isabelle, babe! how've you been?" the girl held isabelle by the shoulders to examine her.

"i've been good, how have you been?" isabelle fakes.

the girl rolls her eyes and whispers, "lyza's been so moody without you here."

isabelle laughs, "this is my boyfriend, jack, by the way. i see you eyeing him, so stop it." isabelle playfully smacks the girl.

"hi jack, i'm addison. probably isabelle's favourite assistant here." the girl, addison, cockily states with her screechy voice, and flips her hair as she completes her sentence.

"nice to meet you." i say and have a slight smile.

"okay, we gotta run and go see lyza. nice seeing you!" isabelle reconnects our hands and waves.

"i don't like her." i admit.

isabelle laughs, "not many people do."

on the way up to her manager's office, many people stopped her to say hello.

once we got to the sixth floor, she looked at me, "her office is down there."

"alright, are you okay?" i ask, seeing her eyes slightly glistening.

"yeah, yeah. i'm okay." she says and i immediately know she's lying, but i decide to drop it before she begins to get more emotional.

once isabelle entered the office, lyza stood from her desk, running towards isabelle.

"hello my dear! how are you!? ugh, i missed you so much." they hug for a few moments, and before isabelle can respond, lyza looks at me, "you must be jack! oh my, you are handsome. such a good looking couple you kids are. come sit, come sit."

she closes the door as isabelle and i take a seat at the two chairs in front of her desk. the view outside the window was amazing, and i could see isabelle intently watching outside as we patiently waited for lyza to take a seat at her desk.

"okay, lets get down to business." finally lyza sits, and intertwines her hands together, placing them firmly on her desk, "now, please don't get angry, and know that you can decline this proposal."

"get straight to the point, lyza." isabelle stiffens with some annoyance.

lyza sighs, "with you going on your modelling tour... and jack going on tour soon. well, we thought that it would be a huge scandal if something "happened" between cameron and you..."

isabelle lost it the second those words left her manager's mouth.

"you want me to look like a fucking slut!? no, i'm not going to sit quiet and not get angry, because with how long you've known me... you should've known immediately i would've turned this down without hesitation!" isabelle raises her voice in defence and anger, "is that how you think of me? as a slut? as is, females are discriminated against if they do so much as stay friends with their ex's friends! the public knows about jack and i. if we suddenly broke up, just for cameron and i to "be together," i would be the definition of slut!"

for sure, lyza looks stunned and taken aback by isabelle's outburst and her statement.

"furthermore, why is cameron being brought up in this?" isabelle shakes her head, "no lyza, i'm sorry.. but i'm not doing that."

"alright, i thought i should at least run it by you. i wouldn't want cameron to bring it up–" isabelle stops lyza from speaking to state her inquiry.

"did he agree to this? he did, didn't he? what an ass." isabelle rolls her eyes.

lyza nods, "he didn't necessarily agree.. but he said that he would if you agreed, but if not, he is completely okay with that, too."

"okay." isabelle says, "well, will that be all?"

"it is." lyza nods, "thank you for your time, isabelle. i'll talk to you soon, okay? i'm sorry for getting you so angry, but i thought i should've run it by you."

"yeah, i know. at least i was in your thoughts." isabelle stands to hug her, "i'll talk to you soon."

"nice meeting you, jack." lyza turns to me to shake hands with me.

"you too." i smile.

isabelle grabs my hand and we strut out of the office, going straight to the elevator to leave and go back to my place.

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