Chapter Twelve - The Blind Date Again

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"I don't know why you're so nervous, you look beautiful." Shiloh was standing in front of me, tonight was the date with my friend's son. "Spin for me."

"Gee, I'm not spinning for you. The back looks like the front, ugly." I wish she knew how much she was wrong. Shiloh was beautiful, she wasn't a stick figure but her curves were amazing. Her smile was bright and lit up any room, and her eyes were so angelic looking.

I walked up to her and started brushing back the few strands of hair that had fallen into he face. "Shy, I don't see one ounce of ugly on you." I needed to stop doing things like this, we had gone back to normal, no feelings for each other.

She must have sensed what I was thinking because she started to push me away, "Gee you're in my bubble." The clock started to chime, it was time for her to leave. "Well, this is it. I hate you so much for doing this to me."

"I'll make it up to you."

"How about a raise?" She smiled and her eyes squinted when she did. I gave her a hug and told her to just be herself. Then she left, I really want this to work out for her, she deserves it.


So he was running a bit late, that's all, he would show up. Unless what if he already showed up? What if he saw me and left? My heart started to beat faster and my nerves were on high. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack, but then a someone placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Shiloh?" I turned my head to see a tall, skinny, spiky dark hair, brown eyes boy standing next to me. "I'm sorry, but are you my date?" My voice caught in my throat, I wasn't expecting to see someone this good looking as my date. So I settled for a head nod, smooth Shiloh.

He sat across from me and smiled, I felt like I melted right there in the seat. Finally I found my voice again, "I'm so sorry, yes I'm Shiloh. I apologize they didn't tell me your name."

"My name is Matthew or just Matt. I must apologize for being so late, you probably thought I was bailing on you. Well in fact, I stopped to pick these up for you." He brought up a bouquet of red and black roses. You're probably thinking "black roses", well I love scary and horror things so this was actually beautiful to me.

"Gerard said you liked all things horror and gothic so I hope the black roses don't bother you."

"No they're perfect, thank you Matt, you didn't have to buy anything for me." He set the roses on the table, our waiter arrived and we ordered our food. Matt also ordered some wine for us. I'm not a big wine drink, not a big drinker at all really, but I had some glasses.

I was getting tipsy, I knew that because I felt bubbly and more at ease. He ordered another bottle, the whole night we talked and talked. After our meal we had desert, everything felt perfect. Matt paid for the entire meal, I wasn't expecting that. He walked me to his car saying I wasn't allowed to drive, how was he not drunk? He had several glasses too, maybe because I'm not a drinker I get drunk faster.

Matt was very gentle when putting me in his car, he even buckled my belt. I wasn't drunk enough that I was going to throw up or do something really stupid. However, I was drunk enough not to be able to drive or walk properly. I gave Matt my address and that's where he took me.

He was so sweet walking me to the apartment, I unlocked the door and went inside. I turned to face him in the hallway, "I really had a good time tonight."

"I did too, it was fun getting you drunk. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, my roommate's home so she can take of me if I get sick. I've helped her many times, so should be my turn." We both smiled, I looked down at my feet and bit my bottom lip. I felt his hand on my cheek moving it up to face him again.

Next thing I knew he was kissing me, his lips were soft, but he was a gentleman. Matt just kissed me, he didn't try anything else, even in my tipsy state. "Take some meds for your head, drink lots of water and get some sleep. I'll call you tomorrow."

He walked back towards the elevator to head to the first floor and back to his car. I closed the door, locked it and leaned against it. I stood there and thought about tonight, how much Matt was a sweetheart and the flowers.......

Crap I forgot the flowers, I opened the door to see if I couldn't catch him, just to see he placed them outside the door. I picked them up, locked the door, and placed them in a vase. After taking some meds, grabbing a glass of water, I went to bed where I slept all night.

My ears were ringing when I woke up, wait no that was my phone ringing. I didn't recognize the number but answered anyway. So in a still sleepy voice, "hello?"

"I woke you up, didn't I? I'm so sorry about that Shiloh, I just wanted to call you."


"Yeah, I'm sorry. Guess I should have waited a bit longer, but I thought twelve in the afternoon was late enough."

"It's twelve? Oh man, I've never slept this long. I feel like a bum."

"Don't feel like a bum, you obviously needed the sleep, maybe Gerard's working you too hard. Hey Shiloh, I really did have a great time last night, and I was hoping you would want to go out again."

I sat up not expecting an offer for a second date. "Really? You want to go out on another date?"

"Don't seem so surprised, so will you go out on another date with me?"

"Yes, of course, I would love that. Where and when?"

"Tonight at eight and I'll pick you up at your apartment, sound good?"

"Yeah, sounds perfect. Casual or formal wear?"

"Casual, very casual. I'm not really a fancy restaurant type of guy."

"Good because I'm not that type of girl either." We said our goodbyes and hung up. As soon as I hung up, a knock came from my door. "Yes?"

"Shy, can I come in?" She entered without waiting for a reply.

Her face was burden with sadness, "Becky what's wrong?"

"My mom is really sick and I'm going to be moving back home for good."

"I'm so sorry about your mom." I got out of the bed and wrapped my arms around her in a hug.

"Shy, I'm sorry but this means you need to either find another roommate or you'll have to move out." After apologizing a few more times to me, she couldn't hold back the tears and locked herself in her room.

She said she was moving in a few days, she was going to pack and just go. How was I suppose to find a roommate that quick? I was screwed and had to get to Gerard's for work. I was already extremely late, but hoped he wouldn't be too mad.

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