Chapter 6

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Nico shouldered people out of his way, holding his glass above his head assuring that it would not spill. Moving through the crowd of people mingling and yelling over the loud thump of the bass, Nico spotted Reyna, Thalia and Jason on the opposite side of the room. As he was finally set free of the mass, he gulped down a breath, then his drink. Jason and Reyna, were awkwardly standing side by side, making a point not to look at each other and Thalia was talking animatedly above their silence. It had been difficult between Reyna and Jason ever since they ended- well, whatever they were doing. It didn't help that Jason's sister now looked at Reyna like she was some Roman goddess.

Nico finally arrived, and Thalia, registering that he was present, moved her hand as if she was pinching something in the air. "You can feel the awkward," she nodded to Nico. Then, grabbing Reyna's wrist, Thalia turned on her heel and left, "See ya later, losers." Reyna stumbled in her wake, trying to save her drink from slopping over the sides of the cup.

Nico and Jason chuckled as they moved in closer together, trying to hear each other over the music. Jason was shaking his head and smiling. "I can't believe you're actually here!" Yelled Jason, "I can't believe Percy convinced you!"

"Percy told me I don't know how to have fun.  I disagree. But I couldn't actually prove that fact before random people started showing up and eating all our food." Nico grimaced.

Jason laughed, "Percy's right! You've never had fun in your life!"

"School is fun." Argued Nico indigently. "Speaking of which, I have an assignment due in two weeks so I'm going to the library!" Nico turned swiftly away from Jason. He had never known such betrayal! Nico always thought that Jason would take his side, but he guessed that Drunk Jason didn't count. Nico had his laptop bag in hand and was so close to leaving the threshold when he faced a preemptive defeat.

Will's handsome face blew through the door, a grin plastered on his freckles- and he ran right into Nico. "Hey Nico!" He cried.

"Hello William." Stated Nico as he tried to sweep around him. But he stopped him with an  arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the library."

Will just laughed. "What?! No library will be open this late! Besides, it's a party and I just got here." Will winked. "And we haven't danced yet."

Before he could blink, Nico's laptop bag was off his shoulder and flung into a corner. Will was dragging him by his wrist into the swarm of dancing bodies. They stayed in the mass of drunk college students for what Nico thought was forever. He could feel the alcoholic stench of drunk college kids seeping in his clothes as he felt his IQ steadily dropping.

Will looked like he was having the time of his life. He was drinking from a red party cup filled with what Nico assumed was cheap beer or even cheaper booze. Moreover, he had no idea where Will got it. The tall blond spastic was also waving his arms around, twirling and jumping in probably what seemed like dancing to him. Nico was trying his best to stay planted where he stood but was being continually jostled about by the crowd that had gathered in his living room.

Will turned to him every so often, trying to get him to shimmy, or grabbing his hands and trying to swing them or turn Nico like he was some damsel.

Nico di Angelo was no Disney princess.

Will had finally turned his back on Nico as he was quite lamely, but with all the enthusiasm in world, trying to ball room dance with a girl to the hip hop blaring over the speakers. As he mockingly dipped the girl, Nico made his move out. Grabbing his previously discarded bag from the ground he was weaving through the crowd hanging by the entryway when a strong hand clapped on his shoulder. An even stronger knock clapped on the door.

With Will at his side, and a smile that said 'where do you think you're going? You try to leave again and you'll have to leave without a head.' Nico interpreted this as he swung open the door to what was most likely more of Percy's idiotic, irresponsible friends. Instead, Nico was facing two police officers.

"We have received a noise complaint. Who is the resident of this apartment?" Asked the woman.

One week, ONE FUCKING WEEK he had been at University. One week he had been living on his own. Rage was coursing through Nico, the hands of his moral compass were whirling, and a strong sense of primordial justice filled him to the brink. Nico calmly and neutrally pointed to the back of the room where Percy was flirting with a blond girl, probably that Annabelle was raving about earlier, and said, "That guy, over there."

The police stepped inside Nico's home and as they moved to question Percy, he quietly slipped behind them and out the apartment door.

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