10 Ways To Annoy Your Enemies

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Hey guys.So let's be honest,we all have amazing friends and extrodinary people in our lives but there's just that one person who just hates your guts for no reason what so ever.(You probably hate theirs too, that's usually how it works). I don't have any enemies, I don't care if I am someone's enemy.I hope you enjoy this update though.

1.Play scary/evil music when they enter a room.

2.Constantly give them death stares.

3.If they are trying to talk to someone start having a really loud coughing fit.

4.Have a secret code for them and say it everytime they enter a room.The more embarrasing the better.(E.G The pimple has imploded,I repeat, the pimple has imploded.)

5.Keep repeating what, and only anwser with one word replys when they try to talk to you.

6.If they're trying to be smart with you, come up with  more smart replys.(This doesn't need an example, the smart comment will just come to you.)

7.Play pranks on them every now and then. (E.G Set their music on full blast.)

8.Pretend you've never met them before.(The more serious you are, the better)

9.Be nice to them and act like your long time best friends.

10.Interact with your enemies friends.(This gets on a lot of peoples nerves.)

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