10 Ways To Annoy People On A Train

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Hi, sorry for the late update. I've been busy, and we just had a heatwave so I couldn't be bothered at all. hehe. (Me being lazy). Anyway here is 10 Ways To Annoy People On A Train.

1.Hum the thomas the tank engine tune from the minute you get on until the minute you get off.

2.Everytime the train stops, make a "choo choo" noise.

3.Mimick the voiceover whenever it talks.

4.Stand in the middle of the doorway and give people are a death stare if they look at you.

5.Have an embarassing "Conversation" (fake), over the phone really loudly, (e.g "Dude! I just popped a pimple on my elbow, I don't think anyone noticed")

6.Start a deep conversation with the person next to and change the topic every time the person responds.

7.Play your music out-loud, (no headphones). Play a really annoying song and start dancing to it.

8.Move people's belongings so you can sit down.

9.Tap the shoulder of another person and look away.

10.Have a screaming conversation with your friend on the other side of the carriage.

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