10 Ways To Annoy Your Neighbours

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Ah so we meet again I see ... here is 10 ways to annoy your neighbours ...

1.Send them fake bills saying "You have overdue bills please pay (amount of money) to (your house addresss)

2.Jump on their lawn and say, "I'm on ya lawn, I'm on ya lawn" contiunesly

3.Tell them you crushed your hand on your car and that it hurt, (just cuz its funny)

4.go knick knocking and knock on there doors every few seconds

5.Tell them that your going to report them to the council for every stupid thing they do

6.T.P there houses (toilet paper)

7.Tell them your having a funeral for their goldfish who you killed and then just throw it at their faces

8.Snatch their newspaper off them and say, "well its not like your reading it"

9.Sit in front of their house and use up all their wi-fi 

10.Invite them over and get your family and yourself to be very anti-social and when they leave say, "well you were boring"

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