chapter 2

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I went home that night with the feeling and memory of our kiss still on my lips, they were so soft and ruff. I couldn't get enough it was like being high on a drug, why did he do this to me and make me feel so good. He would never love me or care about me I would always be nothing more then an object to him. I went home and slipped out of the dress, I fell asleep that night right away I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow.


She was amazing and soft I wanted to be so gentle with as if she were made of porcelain. She would make me weak if I felt anything for her though. A good boss never let anything make him soft, my father married my mother because she was pregnant with me. In the end she cared nothing of me, all she wanted was the money. I always looked up to my father he was a strong man he never let anything make him soft. He raised me to be a cold hearted killer and that's just what I was. I wasn't going to let some girl make me feel this way, I knew the effect I had on her though. I made her go crazy she would soon be begging for me. I went to bed that night knowing I would soon see her tomorrow, I went to bed that night with on of my regular girls Tiffany.


"Rosella wake up you must not be late" my father yelled up at me. I wanted to sleep forever but today was the last day before my wedding and they wanted to make sure everything was proper before the big day. My dress was all ready to go and the décor, I couldn't believe the day had come so fast so soon. I knew that today I would be going alone to the mafia house my father was going to stay behind, he had to work at the café today. I was going to miss working here and seeing so many friendly faces. I dressed in something more plain, just a simple white dress. I didn't want to dress up fancy all I was going was acting like I was spending time with my "fiancé" when really he would be out doing god knows what. Matteo had sent a car to fetch me and bring me to the mafia house. When we arrived I was taken inside and greeted by Matteo, " my dear how are you" he asked as he kissed my cheek. " I am well and how are you" I asked him, "I would be better if my son was here to greet you as well I am so sorry for his rudeness" he said. I had to agree he was pretty rude I was in fact his fiancé, "its fine don't worry about it I am sure he has better things to do then worry about me" I said. Matteo then took me to the back yard to show me all the décor and such. Everything was covered in twinkle lights and flowers, "this is breath taking" I said. Matteo left me to look around at everything, it was perfect for tomorrow. "Everything to your liking mi amour" a strong voice said from behind, I turned around to see Alessio. " yes it is" I said he looked so perfect in the dress pants and white shirt with the top buttons undone. You could tell he just rolled out of bed, "you look very nice today Rosella" he said as he stepped towards me. I kept taking steps back so there was space between us, "what's the matter don't like being close to your fiancé" he asked me. "no you just make me a bit..." I kept stepping back not knowing how to finish the sentence. " you mean turned on mi amour" he said to me as he came closer and closer. "no that's not it" I said continuing to keep stepping back, " don't worry mi amour soon we will be close all night long" he said. I took another step back and with out knowing it fell into the pool behind me. I came back up splashing around, I was soaking wet everyone made the effort to look my way and laugh. I tried to pull myself out but ended up feeling a pair of strong arms drag me out. I sat at the edge of the pool cold and wet, "here" Alessio said offering me his hand. I took it and he helped me up, I looked around to see everyone laughing at me and pointing. I felt tears come to my eyes this was humiliating and all Alessio did was stand there and watch. I ran away crying trying to find somewhere to just hide.


I kept trying to get close to her but before I could stop her she fell into the pool. She splashed around trying to get a grip of the edge and pull herself up but had no luck. I reached down and helped her out, she looked so small and helpless. "here" I said and offered her my hand she took it and I helped her up. Everyone had started laughing and pointing at her, I watched as tears filled her eyes and she ran away crying. I didn't feel much for her but in that moment I felt kind of bad. "Anyone who dares laugh or say anything will be killed under stood" I yelled out at everyone around the area. They all went quite "good" I said and went to find Rosella. It wasn't hard to find her seeing she had no where to go. I found her up front looking like she was about to walk home. "Rosella where are you going" I asked her, " I am going home I don't want to be here anymore" she said as she continued to walk away. I had never been shown so much disrespect in my life by a woman, it was time for her to know who she was fucking talking to. " Fucking turn around and come back" I demanded she stopped and turned to look at me she looked shocked by the tone of my voice. I walked over to her and grabbed her arm and started dragging her back to the mafia house. I had to admit I may have been grabbing her to hard but she needed to know who's boss here. I walked her back up to my room which would soon be our room. I even had some woman's clothes added to the closet, when we entered the room I closed the door and turned to look at her. She had started to cry softly to herself, I don't know why but I couldn't bare see her cry. " come on now stop the crying" I said and walked to the closet and grabbed a tee shirt form the closet for her to slip on. "here put this on I will go find you some dry clothes to wear" I said handing her the shirt and turning to leave.


After Alessio left the room I slipped off the dress and threw on the shirt, since he was so tall(6'3") the shirt was a dress on me. I tried to dry some of the tears but I couldn't help but keep crying. Alessio soon returned with some clothes for me "here we only have so many girls here who are not whores here" he said and handed me a skirt and top. I gave him the hand motion to turn around, "why can't I watch I am in fact your fiancé" he said to me. " please" I said in a small voice, he looked displeased but still turned around. I slipped the little outfit on and felt cute who every had these clothes had good taste.

"come on lets take you home" Alessio said to me, I nodded and headed out he door with him

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"come on lets take you home" Alessio said to me, I nodded and headed out he door with him. He lead me over to a red car and drove me home, the ride was silent I didn't feel much like talking. We soon arrived at my place, " someone will be here tomorrow morning to ready you and bring you to the church for tomorrow" he said to me. "ok then I guess I will see you tomorrow" I said to him he nodded and I went inside the café to see my father. He was in a cheerful mood even though he was giving away his only daughter tomorrow to a complete asshole. Tomorrow was when I would say good bye to my freedom, Tomorrow I would be a slave and whore to the Italian mobster.

Here are some pictures of the mafia house

Here are some pictures of the mafia house

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front part

Back part not set up for the wedding

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Back part not set up for the wedding

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