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Minhye's POV

I can directly see hongbin the moment i enter the school gate. I'm still mad at him for not replying my chat though, more like i'm mad at him because he read it but didn't reply. Let alone telling him what my uncle told me yesterday. My pace got faster and i'm still thinking whether i should greet hongbin or not.

Fine, just say a 'hi' will do.

But what if he ignores me? That will be embarrassing. Uh, just forget about that.


*break time's bell ringing*

Everyone quickly burst out of the class. And i am here sitting helplessly not knowing what to do. Yeah you can say that today is an extremely boring day.

Instead of doing nothing, i went to the toilet and look at the mirror. My eyes look so tired and i look so sleepy. I dont really have friends and i dont know who to talk to at class and i dont feel like talking to hongbin and i believe he doesn't feel like talking to me too. Yes, i know right, i'm just so boring that no one even wants to talk to me.

Honestly, i still miss leo, we are always connected and we always know what to talk about. But, no, i'm not going to cry again, i dont like to be looked like i'm a weak person.

MINHYE YOU NEED TO CHEER UP! LIVE A LIL MORE! I tried to smile a little and look at the mirror again. I tied my hair into a ponytail and somehow i feel a little bit better. I'm getting used to this, plus i'm happy how i can make myself feel better instead of other people advicing me or stuff like that.

"Minhye, I understand about your feelings. But Leo is not the only person you have in your life right? You still have your aunt, your uncle, minjun and me. And also, I believe that Leo would feel very sad too if he sees you being like this. Besides, if you really miss him, you can either video call or text him". Unfortunately, i suddenly remembered what hongbin told me. I chuckled bitterly. Right. "Me". Well i hope so. But some promises are to be broken though. That's just how it goes.

But i just really dont understand what actually happened to hongbin. He was acting really caring, lending me his jacket and all. But the moment when i arrived home he just said bye and walked away. Even when we went to eat, it was really awkward, and when i asked him questions to break the silence he only replied with short answers.

I sighed. I'm tired of thinking about that. Let's just hope that things will get better.


Throughout the class, i didn't even talk to anyone. I feel really sleepy and it's also not the first time i feel like this since leo left.

It's finally go home time. Everyone's is going home together with their friends, but i'm going home alone *sighs*.

"Hey girl, where are you going?" asked a man popping out of nowhere.

"Wh-who are you?" and the man immidiately grab my wrist and drag to me to a dark and quite alley before i could say anything.

Hongbin' POV

"Do you wanna go somewhere and eat?" Hyuk asked.


"You still haven't talked to minhye, have you?"


"She looked so lonely though, during class"


"Look that's minhye, u sure u dont wanna invite her to go with us?"

"Uh, no. Let's go this way, she will go home by herself" i said unsurely as we turn right and continue walking.

"Okay" and i can feel that hyuk is actually a lil bit worried too.

"What do you think? Should we go back and follow her until she reaches her home safely?" I asked.

"I think so, if you dont wanna invite her".

We walk back to the road before but last thing we could see is minhye being dragged by i dont even know who, i think it's a man, who is wearing a black hoodie.

I run as fast as i could so as hyuk, i hope it wasn't too late yet. I think hyuk sees what happened too.

We look to the right alley, assuming that is where the man dragged minhye and found them.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER! NOW!" I shouted to him at the top of my lungs.

I run toward the man and push him hardly to wall. Grabbing the neck of his shirt, i half whispered, "don't even try to lay ur hand on her ever again".

We ran out of the alley. And I immidiately hug minhye really really tightly. Her face looked so pale and she looked really scared.

"Minhye, are you okay?"

She didn't answer.

"Minhye, i'm never, ever going to leave you again, i promise"

Little did he know, minhye could finally smile and feel happiness again.

YEy. HOW ARE YOU ALL DOIN'? here's an update!
Btw, hyuk be like: 1. Please dont thirdwheel me 2. You didn't just thirdwheel me but also the people passing by 3. LMAO. Pffft my jokes are so lame tho. Have a good dayyy. Also donut forget to vote and comment ;).

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