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"Hey you havent answered my question yet. Why are you smiling?" Hyuk asked and i jumped a lil since i almost forgot about the question he was asking me.

I hold my smile and act like usual. "What? I'm not smiling. You're the one who was laughing like crazy"

"But you were smiling... ahhhh i know.." hyuk smirked


"Did you confess to minhye?" Hyuk wiggles his eyebrows

"Are you crazy? Of course not"


"It's just.. haish minhye sent me a picture"

"Eh? What picture?" Hyuk put down the bowl of ramen on the coffee table and tried grabbing my phone.

"Waiiiittt! Fine fine! I'll show you!" I pushed him a lil.

"Quick! Show me! No wonder it took you so long to go down just now"

I sighed and show him the picture.

"Where is this? Why was the kid crying?"

"The kid was running then he fell down, so i tried to help him. That was taken in the park"

"Which park? Who took this picture?"

"I invited minhye to my house just now since you said that you couldn't come, and we went to a park, and she took the picture" i said feeling my cheeks heating up.

"Aww so sweeeet"

"Shut up" i slapped his arm playfully and he pretend like it hurts.

Hyuk continue watching the TV as he eats the ramen, and i can feel myself getting tired.

"Hyuk, it's getting late already, you dont wanna go home?" I asked.

"Uh, what time is it now" he said looking at the clock.

"WHAT IT'S 11 OCLOCK ALREADY? Okay i think i'll just stay here. I'll just sleep on the couch" hyuk said.

"Okay, niteee" i said as i jog upstairs and i can hear him calling his mom telling her that he is at my house and he will go home tommorrow since it's already too late.


"Hmm... " my eyes travelled through the fridge thinking of what i should make for breakfast.

"Bacon and eggs it is!"

"HYUKK!! WAKE UPPP!" i shouted through the kitchen as i prepare for the breakfast, hoping that it is loud enough for him to hear.

I served two plates of bacon and eggs and two cups of milk on the table. "Wow smells nice" hyuk said with his sleepy voice as he walks towards the dining room.

"Morning, here is your breakfast" i said

"Morning, weird how you can cook so good while i'm such a mess in it" hyuk said as he adjust the chair to a more comfortable position.

"But it isn't that hard to make bacon and eggs"

"Yeah but that's for you! I tried making it, and the moment when i crack the egg on the pan, it ended up landing on the ground!" Hyuk protested.

"Silly you!" I laughed.


"Thanks for the accompany! Bye!" Hyuk said as he got into his house.

"Bye! See you tommorrow!"

Since i didn't know what to do at home, i decided to go to the park minhye told me. I just really like the atmosphere there, sometimes full of kids playing around sometimes not even a person could be seen, which relaxes you. I'm glad minhye brought me there.

As i arrived there, i could see a girl sitting under the tree crying. I walked closer so that i could see clearly who it was until i'm only a few steps away from her.

Wait. Minhye? Why is she crying again? At this moment i decided to not disturb her.

I silently sit beside her and grab her hand slowly. I hold her hand tightly, to assure her that everything is fine.

"Hongbin?" She looked at me blankly.

"You don't look okay, what happened?" I whispered still holding her hand tightly.

"I'm okay" she looked at the ground.

"Minhye, i told you not to bottle up your feelings. Is it because of leo again?"

"Uh.. how did you know?" She said still looking at the ground.

"I really hate how I always couldn't stop missing him" she said.

"Minhye, I understand about your feelings. But Leo is not the only person you have in your life right? You still have your aunt, your uncle, minjun and me. And also, I believe that Leo would feel very sad too if he sees you being like this. Besides, if you really miss him, you can either video call or text him"

At that moment she finally stopped crying, looking at me.

I smiled, wiping all of her tears away. "Right, do you wanna go for a walk?". "But it's up to you though, i like staying here too"

"Going for a walk it is then!" Minhye finally smiled.


Oh shoot, i suddenly remember something as i tried to get up. "Minhye, is this okay?" I showed her our holding hands.

"Uh... i don't think so" Minhye said.

"Right, i'm sorry", I quickly put her hand away.

At the moment i suddenly felt someone grabbing my hand again, and when i looked at it it's minhye's hand. I suddenly feel butterflies.

"I thought u say this is not okay" i said.

"I was just joking. Of course this is okay, why not?" She laughed.

"Yah! You were just crying in the past few minutes, and now you are being so playful?" I said and she slapped my arm playfully.

"Ouch! I think i really need to be careful of you!" I said rubbing my arm.


Dont for get to click the star shaped button and commenttt, it would mean so much to me. Thank you~

Unexpected - Lee HongbinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum