Entertaining Dinner V2

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Mrs. Weasley was fretting over the prospect of dinner.

With all 13 wizards and witches of the Order of the Phoenix deciding to stay before leaving for their Christmas plans, there were also another group of 13, the ninjas, to serve.

The problem would've quickly been solved quickly to feed 32 mouths if half of the group weren't Japanese with a palate for Asian cuisine.

Mrs. Weasley was nearing the point of mass-hysteria when 3 females of the ninjas whom all called themselves 'kunoichi', a word in their native language of Japanese for a 'female ninja.'

Hinata, the one in Mrs. Weasley's eyes to the least likely one to be one who handles knives and such, spoke up in a gentle tone, " Weasley-san, we've noticed there is a addtional amount of people you have to feed, and seeing that you are a bit...inexperienced in Japanese cooking, we have decided to help you out."

Ino added on, "Plus, we're good with anything sharp."

Sakura finalized it all, "Besides, we have nothing else to do in Sirius-san's home. So, may we?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled in relief at the three kunoichi's generosity in relieving her of cooking.

"Of course you may. Thank you for volunteering. Sometimes, I just wish my daughter Ginny would be this willing out in the kitchen, but it seems she has taken to her older brothers' pranking ways."

The three ninjas smiled back at the tired mother and immediately split up.

Sakura employed her medical knowledge, checking if the meat and the various fruits and vegetables were 'clean' of germs. When she deemed it safe, she handed it off to Ino to flavor.

Ino handled the spicing seeing that they mainly came from flowers. Ino was elated at the array of the spices set out on the kitchen table.

Some of them she already knew, but the majority of them was new to Ino. Inner-Ino arose again and conspired to take some back with her to experiment after the war.

Hinata went over the boiling food, activating her Byuakugan to analyze the food. At times like this when there was the occasional free time, her Byukugan was perfect in the timing of cooked food. No burnt or undercooked food was going to come out of the pot under Hinata's watch.

As Ino handed her the various ingredients, Hinata unsealed a modified kunai gifted to her by Tenten on her 14th birthday. Hinata held it in the air in the light; its edge sparkling showing the stunned mother just how polished its sharp edges were. Mrs. Weasley caught the sparkle in the light in her perceptive vision and turned around to catch Hinata in the act of slicing the vegetables into very thin pieces. Mrs. Weasley was, simply put, stunned.

It wasn't the fact that it was the gentlest girl as the one holding the highly sharp knife; rather, it was the speed she was going at. It was so fast, so precise, that Molly can only see a blur of motion slicing and chopping away at the vegetables. In just a few moments, the lettuce was done and ready to be dressed.

Ron's mother's voice echoed throughout Sirius's house, alerting everybody in various places in the house to come downstairs to the dining area.

"Dinner's ready!"

The Order's members walked and the infamous Weasley twins apparated while the rest of the students ran.

The ninjas ran too. But at the rapid pace they ran at, it was more like a sprint. They would've jumped, but the ceiling is much too low to do so, so they opted the running option instead.

Last to react, yet first to take their seats at the elongated table fit for everyone. That was how fast the ninjas were.

Naruto greeted the wizards, "Yo! Let's eat!''

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