Ninjas and the Order of the Phoenix

Start from the beginning

When done, she walked back over to her seat.

"Done. Fred and George shouldn't be able to listen in now."

Dumbledore's eyes, as always, twinkled before going serious.

"Very good."

Then, he faced the group of wizards staring at him, some with a touch of impatience.

"Now, I see that all of you have noticed our group of teenagers. Except for Snape, you have not been introduced to our group of ninjas."

All gasped and immediately swiveled in their seats to again stare at the group, said group of ninjas going slightly nervous as the wizards started seeing them in a new perspective.

All consulted their dusty archive of information of their school days, some struggled while others easily retrieved mental notes. Lupin leaned forward, eager to learn more. He had not lost his love of learning, even after he graduated from Hogwarts. Since reading his Grade 7 textbook long ago, he was always curious to learn more about the race of Muggles who supposedly studied, practiced, and utilized a entirely different type of magic in the form of wandless magic.

Dumbledore spoke again, "Seeing that we must aquatint ourselves with each other, I ask that our ninjas introduce themselves and make themselves comfortable after doing so."

"Uzumaki Naruto, dattebayo! I'm going to be the Hokage, believe it!"

"What a drag...Nara Shikamaru."

"Hyuuga Hinata, s-sir."

"The Youthful Green Beast, Rock Lee!"

"Hn...Uchiha Sasuke."

"Haruno Sakura. It's a pleasure to meet you all!"


"Hyuuga Neji, Misses and Sirs."

And so on until all of the ninjas had introduced themselves. After they all introduced themselves in their own special ways, the wizards and witches introduced themselves, in turn.

Dumbledore nodded, satisfied.

Tonks spoke up, her suspicions slightly satisfied but still wary. After all, it was Moody who taught her well with his favorite phrase, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE, NYMPHADORA!" (She grimaced a bit at that short memory.)

"How old are you all?"

Shikamaru lazily answered, "Except for Lee, Tenten, and Neji who are 16, the rest of us are all 15."

Molly gasped softly while Fleur spoke up angrily.

"Dumbledor'! Zey are to' young to paticipate in zhe meeting! Zhe majority of zhem are not of age! I-"

Sasuke interrupted her tirade in a cold voice, "In the Hidden Shinobi Nations, the moment we graduate is when we are considered to be of age."

Sirius grinned and in a effort to diffuse the tense mood, joked, "Hey, that's nice! I could've gotten out of school a lot earlier!"

Naruto grinned back at the man, "I know right! Man, the moment I graduated was the moment I realized I didn't have to ever wake up at 6!"

Lupin smiled a weary smile at the hyperactive blonde, "Well then. When did you graduate, Naruto?"

Naruto put his hands behind him as he thought back, his face reflecting his thinking.

Naruto remembered and snapped out of his musing as he replied in a cheerful tone to Lupin's query.

"When I was 12, Lupin-san!"

The majority of the Order almost fell out of their seats. The few that happened to be sipping their tea spatted it out, coughing at the news.

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