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I laid outside on the soft grass with my little girl as we gazed up at the sky littered with brightly shinning stars. I pointed out the constilations to her; Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Orion's Belt.

"Daddy?" she spoke up in he small voice.

I turned my head to face her, and answered with a loving grin, "Yes, Dear?"

"Is my other daddy up there; in the sky?"

Her innocent inquiry pulled on my heart-strings. I swallowed and returned my vision back to the night sky. "Yes, Sweetheart. He's up there right now, looking down on us, taking care of us. He'll always be a part of us, Darling."

"I miss Daddy Harry," Leanne whinned. "He gave the best piggy-back rides."

I chuckled lightly, "He sure did. But, don't worry, Baby. Daddy Harry is always with you; right here," I gestured to her heart.

She peered down at her chest, "Hi, Daddy Harry. I love you,"

I grinned at her, then flicked my eyes back to the sky. I couldn't cease the tears that were brimming in my eyes.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Leanne questioned, tugging on the hem of my t-shirt. I gazed at her, realizing I wasn't the only tearful one. The bright green eyes that she inherited from Harry were glistening as well.

I nodded, then pulled her into my side, wrapping both arms around her protectively. I placed a soft kiss atop her head of bouncy, curly hair. Almost every part of our little girl reminded me of him.

"Sometimes I see Daddy Harry," Leanne spoke in a hushed tone. "He's there when I feel sad or mad, just like before."

"Is that right?" I provoked her to continue.

She nodded her head, "Except, this Daddy looks different. He's all dressed in white like an angel. And he looks ghosty."

I tranced my lips with my tongue, "How often do you see Daddy?"

"Only when I need him," Leanne confirmed, shutting her eyes. "You're always here for me, Daddy Louis, but sometimes I just want my Daddy Harry."

"Believe me, so do I, Sweetheart," I assured her, kissing her head again. "But one day we'll get to be with Daddy again."

"Really? When?" she asked exitedly. I gave her a sad smile.

"Hopefully it will be a very long time for you, Baby. Daddy Harry was an angel, and God sent him on the Earth to make your Daddy Louis happy, and give him you. But, God wanted his angel back, and that's why Daddy Harry is in a special place in the sky called Heaven."

"Will God ever give Daddy Harry back?" she posed, staring up into the stars attempting to find her father.

"I don't think so, Baby."

"Am I an angel, too, Daddy?"

"You're my angel,"

Leanne grinned, "So that means I can go to Heaven with Daddy Harry one day?"

I nodded. "Yes it does, Baby."

Leanne continued to asked me various questions about God and Heaven and Harry. I fielded all her questions until she began yawning, and I decided it was bedtimes.


"Bedtime for you, bedtime for you," I sang sillily as I tucked Leanne in.

She giggled, "G'night, Daddy."

"Goodnight, my angel. I love you,"

"I love you more!"

"I love you most," I finsihed, pressing a light kiss to her forhead, then flipping the switch.

Larry Stylinson One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now