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The five One Direction boys pride themselves on making each of their shows different, yet equally entertaining. They always try to do something new; arrange for everyone to wear a certain color, have water fights on stage, answer twitter questions, and in gereal, act ridiculous. 

Yes, every concert is distinct in some way. But this one in particular changed everything. 

The boys were performing at LP Field in Nashville, Tennessee that night and Louis and Harry were noticibly flirting. They were still under strick instruction to make their relationship come off as platonic, but as time went on, Louis found himself giving a less and less amount of craps. Harry could never help making heart eyes at his illicit boyfriend.

 Harry let himself feel a bit of pride when it came time to sing Happily. It was a 'habit' of his to stare directly at his boyfriend, singing ever lyric that was meant for the boy with all of his heart in each syllable. Sometimes Louis would glance back. It's kind of how they'd communicated on stage. 

When the music started playing Harry scanned his eyes over the incredibly large crowd of screaming teenage girls that filled the stadium. It was still surreal. He raised the microphone to his lips and began singing the lyrics that he wrote. 

'You don't understand, you don't understand, what you do to me when you hold her hand," 

His green eyes widened slightly with his inadvertant lyric change. He finished out his solo nervously and sighed in relief when Niall took over. He peered over at Louis who shot him an eyebrow raise. Harry blushed a little and began sinigng the chorus with the rest of the boys. 

After hearing Harry's slip up, Louis was now paranoid that he'd accidently say something. He had done it before, and only realized he had after the fact. It's like walking on broken glass, wondering if anyone from management was going to notice. Nonetheless, Louis sang his solo beautifully when it came round and every word was correct. 

The five boys were jumping round the stage, having fun and singing to the upbeat tune of the song. Harry was aware of Louis' location on the stage and he slowly made his way closer, just to be closer. He was doing pretty well at being inconspicuous until he didn't see something that a fan had thrown on stage. 

Harry, being the clumsy person that he was, slipped on it less than gracefully. Not only did he trip, but the circumstances didn't allow it to just be an embassing act. Harry was within a close proximity of his boyfriend by that time, so when he fell, he brought Louis down with him. 

As they began tumbling to the stage, Harry wrapped his arms round Louis so that less of the small lad would hit the ground. Harry winced when Louis' weight collapsed against his arms, but immediately stared down at the shocked twenty-two year old to make sure he was okay. 

Louis chuckled lightly, staring up at his dork. His arms were round Harry's neck since he had tried to hold onto something during the fall. He muttered, "Watch where you're going, Bambi," 

Harry grinned down at Louis. "It's not my fault I fell for you." 

Louis felt his heart swell with adoration as he stared into Harry's bright, beautiful green eyes. He analyzed the situation and decided that they were already in it deep as far as management was concerned, so he said, "Screw it," 

He made any distance between the two of them nonexistant when he pressed his lips against the younger boy's mouth. Screams and roars rose to an unbearable volume as Harry eagerly returned the gesture. 

The kiss ended a few moments later. Louis smiled proudly at Harry, who stared down at him with the fear of God in his eyes. "Lou, we just-"

"I know."

"They're gonna kill-"

"I know. But, who cares?"

Harry allowed himself to grin as well. He carefully lifted himself off the ground, then his boyfriend. They brushed themselves off and peered over at the other boys. They were clapping and Niall may have been crying a little. The Irish boy mouthed, "OTP," 

Louis shook his head as Harry snaked his arm round the older lad's waist. They faced the crowd and Louis wasn't sure what to say after that. "Oops?" He shrugged. 

Harry's grin widened. "Hi."

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