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"Your mother is going to destroy you, Louis." Harry grumbles, tugging his drunken friend inside his vacant house.

Louis chuckles like a overly loud maniac as Harry lays his body down on the sofa. As he tries to walk away, Louis falls towards him and manages to wrap his arms round the boys waist. "Don't,"

Harry releases and annoyed huff. "I'm going to get you some water."

"But if you leave then-If you leave then I'll be alone."

Harry stares at him for a moment. "Yes, astute observation, detective. Will you please let go of me now?"

Louis flings himself back against the couch and pouts his lip. "You're in a mad mood."

"I am in a mad mood." Harry tries not to laugh as he struts off to the kitchen, returning to the half-conscious Louis with a tall glass of ice-water moments later. "Drink it, please."

Louis chuckles again, shaking his head. "I'm not that kind of thirsty."

Harry lifts an eyebrow. "What kind of thirsty are you, then?"

In his drunken stupor, Louis reaches up and takes the glass from Harry's hand, nearly spilling all it's contents as he sets it on the coffee table. He then tugs his care-taker down to sit adjacent to him on the couch. He's wearing a suggestive smirk. Harry is confused, but his heart is pounding nonetheless.


Harry swallows hard. "Lou, you're piss-drunk. You don't even like me like that."

Louis shakes his head violently, climbing onto Harry's lap and straddling it. "That isn't true. I-" he pauses to hiccup and wrap his hand round the nape of Harry's neck. "I'm in love with you."

Harry shakes his head, feeling even more anger rise in his chest. "Get the hell off, Louis, you're not in love with me."


"Yes what?"

"I don't know... Oh, wait, I am in love with you, Haz. You're like, beautiful and I love you."

"Get off."

"Kiss me."

Harry eyes begin to brim with tears. "Get your drunk ass off of me before I push it off."

"If you don't kiss me, I'll kiss you." the older lad warns him.

Harry doesn't want to refuse any kind of kiss from Louis, but he knows that this is wrong. He may have incredibly strong feelings for Louis, but this isn't the way he wants to deal with them. He wants Louis to be coherent. But, Louis is also very attractive and straddling his waist, daring Harry to kiss him. He can hear Satan's mocking laugh in the back of his mind.


Harry was cut off by a pair of hot lips crashing against his mouth. His heart beat a million miles an hour at the sensation that he'd been imagining for as long as they've been friends. But the pleasure is accompanied by guilt. He withdraws from the kiss and lets out a long sigh.

"Harry," Louis whines pushing Harry's body down on the couch. "Just kiss me. I need you."

Harry shakes his head out of another intoxicating kiss. "No, Louis. Please, I don't want to do this."

"You know you feel the same, Harry. I know you do. Just let it happen. I know you want it to."

Harry becomes a little chocked up. "You don't love me, Louis. You're just drunk."

"I love you,"

Harry doesn't protest the next time Louis forces a kiss. He moves his lips passionately along his best friends, hands roaming his perfect body. Harry had dreamt and imagined this moment for ages, only, Louis wasn't drunk. But Harry can't resist.

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