Chapter T h r e e.

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Lucy Payne.

"Lucy! Are you almost ready?" Zayn shouts up the stairs.

"Hang on!" I roll my eyes and slip a pair of shorts on. I grab a pink tank top and throw it on then move to my body length mirror. I grab a bobble from the dressing table and quickly tie my hair into a neat bun. I then swipe a layer of eyeliner across my bottom eyelid and stuff my phone into my pocket.

I double check myself in the mirror then walk out of the room.

Since Harry and I had just gotten our Summer holidays, the boys and I had decided to go to the park and just hang out for a while. Most people were going to be there today because it was so hot outside. So, we wouldn't be complete loners for the day.

My flat heeled converse make a clicking sound as I walk down the hallway. I turn right and slowly walk down the staircase.

"Finally!" Louis exclaims as he pulls open the front door.

"Whatever!" I giggle, sticking my tongue out at him.

"What took you so long anyway?" Liam questions as we walk along the pathway to the Park.

"I was getting ready!" I remark, gesturing to my clothes with my right hand.

Zayn drapes his arm over my left shoulder and smiles down at me. "Well, baby, you look beautiful." He tells me.

I feel my cheeks turn a light shade of crimson and I avert my gaze to the floor. "Thanks." I say quietly.

"So," Louis clears his throat. "What are we going to do at the park?" He asks.

I lift my head and stare at him. I then shrug my shoulders. "Dunno. Probably just sit down and talk." I laugh, leaning my head against Zayn's shoulder as we continue our journey to the park.


After what seems like hours, we finally reach the park gates. Louis steps forward and pushes them open.

I walk in beside Zayn and glance around.

The park was full of teenagers. Some drinking, some smoking only God knows what, some joking around by the tree and some playing soccer. Generally, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I sigh and avert my gaze to fountain that sat in the center of the park. It was beautiful. I've always loved coming here just to look at the fountain. It had three layers, each spraying out water in a beautiful manner. Flowers surrounded the outside of the fountain and then a park bench sat directly in front of the gorgeous display.

But, I avert my gaze back to the boys. "Where shall we go?" I question.

Liam looks at me and smiles. "How about we sit over there?" He asks, pointing to a patch of grass on the soccer pitch that no one seemed to be using.

The grass was freshly grown and a dark green colour. It lay directly beside a set of goals.

I nod my head and smile. "Sure!" We quickly walk over to the patch of grass and sit down.

Zayn pulls me on top of him and rests his chin upon my shoulder.

"Your arse is boney." He remarks. The boys chuckle lightly.

"Then let me sit on the grass!" I retort, turning my head to look at him.

I take this time to study him. His Mocha brown eyes shine brightly in the sun and his tanned skin is clear and spot-free. His plump lips are curled into a smile as he looks at me. His hair stood in an array of abstract spikes and lastly, his jaw bone was defined perfectly.

Zayn was honestly gorgeous.

He smirks at me. "No. I like you sitting on my lap. It feels nice." He wraps his arms around my waist.

Before I get a chance to reply, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and I smile a small smile when I see who it's from. I quickly unlock my phone and tap my finger along the message template on my screen.

'Mum - Hey honey! How's it going with the boys? Are they being good to you? What are you doing now? xXx'

I laugh as I type a quick reply. Not only was my mom, my mom but, she was also like my best friend. We'd never spent longer than a week away from each other until now.

'Hey mum! It's going fine! The boys are always. ;) We're just hanging out at the park! How's Ibiza going? xOx'

"Who's that?" Niall questions as I slip my phone back into my pocket.

"My mum." I tell him.

Liam's head shoots up and he stares at eme cautiously. "What did she want?" He asks.

"Just wanted to know how I was doing with you five douches." I giggle and shoot him a wink.

Liam rolls his eyes and winks in return.

Suddenly, Harry clears his throat. "Wanna play a game?" He asks.

I nod my head eagerly. "Yes! I'm so bored!" I exclaim dramatically.

Zayn playfully rolls his eyes at my childish behavior then, turns to Harry. "What game?"

"Catch!" Niall screams a little too loudly. The group of guys sat beside us stop talking and turn to stare.

"Niall you idiot!" I hiss, waving awkwardly at the boys.

The wave back then start up a conversation once again.

I sigh in relief then turn back to the boys. "So, shall we play catch?" I question.

"Sure." Harry shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not being on!" I tell them as I stand from up.

Zayn sighs as he pulls himself up. "I'll be on. I'm giving you ten seconds to run."

I shriek loudly and bolt towards the trees on the other side of the park. When I finally reach them, I turn back and see Zayn chasing after Niall as Niall runs in circles around the fountain.

Eventually, he gives up on catching Niall and glances around in an attempt to find Harry, Louis, Liam or me. A smirk tugs at his lips when he spots Liam and he bolts across the park in an attempt to catch him but, Liam quickly see's him coming and runs in the opposite direction.

I giggle, knowing Zayn has absolutely no chance of catching Liam. Zayn was fast but, Liam was faster. Liam was faster than everyone in his year when he was in High School. He won every Sport's Day Event, City Sport's Events and Cross Country Races.

Zayn doesn't even try to chase after him and he just stands in the same spot for around five minutes.

Suddenly, I feel two strong arms push me and I fall out from behind the tree, where I was hiding.

I let out a loud shriek and Zayn whips his head around in my direction. He smirks at me and, before I can comprehend what's happening, he sprints across the field.

I turn around to run but, before I have the chance to even take five steps, I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. He spins me around a few times before he rests me on the ground once again.

"Gotcha' baby." Zayn whispers softly in my ear.

"You suck." I laugh as I turn around to face him.

"But.." He wiggles his eyebrows. "That's why you love me." He winks.

I laugh loudly. "Yes. That is why I love you." I kiss his cheek and smile.

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