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Zayn Malik.

I sit on the couch, my eyes focused on the television as Lucy rests her head on my chest. I hear soft snores escape her lips and I look down. I smile, watching as she sleeps peacefully on my chest.

Lucy means a lot to me. I see her as my little sister. Ever since we'd become friends, we were inseperable. I was closer to her then I was with any of my guy friends.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opens and Niall and Harry storm into the sitting room, laughing and cheering.

"Aye! Zayn!" Niall shouts, and I feel Lucy stir in her sleep.

"Shut up you idiot! Lucy's sleeping!" I hiss. I wrap my arms around Lucy, lean down and kiss the top of her head.

"Sorry!" Niall whispers. He sits down on the two seater beside Harry and takes the remote from his hand.

"Hey!" Harry shouts. "Give it back!"

Niall chuckles and shakes his head. He changes the channel to an 'Ireland Vs. Wales' rugby match and leans back in the chair. Harry grunts and leans over Niall in an attempt to retrieve the remote from Niall's hands.

"Oi, Harry! Get off of me you prick!" Niall shouts, repeatedly hitting Harry's back.

"If you two don't shut up, I will hurt you both!" I growl.

They look at me then slowly stop beating the crap out of each other. Harry quietly apologizes to Niall then gets off of him. He sits back in his chair and quietly watches the rugby match. Thankfully, Niall copies his actions.

"Thank you." I sigh quietly.

Niall tries to glare at me but, fails and he ends up chuckling softly.


Twenty minutes later, the front door opens and quickly shuts closed again.

"Holy fuck! We're going to be killed." Niall says, eyeing the sitting room door cautiously.

"Shut up you idiot, it's just Liam and Louis!" I roll my eyes and laugh.

Suddenly, the sitting room door opens and Liam and Louis walk in. They each hold two pizzas, two three bags of chips and a bottle of Coke each.

"Hey boys." I smile as they place the food on the coffee table.

"Hey buddy!" Liam exclaims. "Is Lucy sleeping?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Should I wake her?"

"Yes! She'll flip out if she misses dinner." Louis laughs. He hands us a plate each and begins handing out the food.

I lift my hand from Lucy's waist and nudge her softly. "Lucy, baby, wake up." I whisper.

"How the hell do you expect her to wake up if you're whispering!?" Louis remarks.

"I don't know! What should I do? Scream in her ear?" I retort.

"Yes!" Liam laughs, biting into his pizza.

I shrug, turn to Lucy and clear my throat. "LUCY, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" I scream in her ear.

She screams loudly as she lunges up in fright.

I howl with laughter as she glares at me.

"What the hell was that for?" She shrieks, slapping me on the head.

I laugh. "Sorry baby, you wouldn't wake up and dinner's here." I wink at her.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!" She glares as she takes her plate of food and begins eating.

"Sorry." I chuckle, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"You know," Niall clears his throat. "You two would make a cute couple." He remarks.

I almost choke on my food. "What did you just say!?" I question.

"Oh come on!" Niall exclaims. "You two are adorable together."

"As best friends, yes! Boyfriend and girlfriend? Ew, no." I state.

"I agree with Zayn." Lucy nods her head, glaring at Niall.

"Whatever." Niall shrugs then continues eating.

"You're an idiot Niall." Liam states, slapping him on the arm.

"Ow!" Niall remarks calmly. "Why!?" He exclaims.

"None of you will ever date Lucy. She's off limits to everyone of you." Liam glares at all four of us and I feel myself shift unomfortaly in my seat. Liam could be scary when it came to Lucy.

"Again, I agree with Liam." Lucy giggles, kissing her brother's cheek.

"So do I." I raise my hand.

"Me too!" Harry chirps in, patting Niall on the back.

"Me too, seeing as Liam scares me when it comes to Lucy." Louis laughs. He winks at Liam and he chuckles softly.

"So, it's settled then. None of us will ever be dating Lucy." Niall rolls his eyes and continues eating his food.


If only Zayn and Lucy knew what the future had planned.

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