Baller Zay: Leona said hurry the fuck up before she deprives you of sex for a month.

Chris C: Ok I'm coming lol

"Ok kids let's hurry up before mommy kills me." I say walking over to the grill. "Ok what do yall want?" I ask before we got all the way to the front of the line. "I want chicken fingers and fries." Tia said tugging on my basketball shorts. "Ok what do you want Tino?" I asked and he looked at the menu. To be only four years old they seem to be really smart. They can read really well and so excited for kindergarten next year. "I want a grilled cheese sandwich and fries." He says getting excited. That's how you know these are Leona's children because they get excited over food and inhale it when they get some. "Hello, you can start with your order when ready." The girl says biting her lip. "Ok can I get a Ruben with the dressing on the side instead of on the sandwich, as well as some jalapenos on the side too, with fries." I start completely ignoring her. "Do you want regular fries or sweet potato fries?" she asks staring at my chest. Probably at my heart tattoo there granted it was showing because I was wearing a V-neck. "Sweet potato fries and then can I also get beef burger with lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, swiss cheese, bacon, mushrooms, and jalapenos with regular fries, a pulled pork sandwich with a side of coleslaw and potato skins." I said and she nodded. "Daddy you forgot about our stuff." Tino said tugging on my shorts. "I didn't here. Tell the lady what you want to eat." I said picking him up. "I want a grilled cheese and fries please." Tino said and I put him down. I pick up Tia and she told the lady her order. She gives me the total and I pay for to food. We waited for the food and Tia and Tino helped me carry the food back up to the room.

We walk up to the door and I hear yelling. "CALL HER AND TELL HER TO HURRY THE FUCK UP BEFORE I GO DOWN THERE AND MAKE HER COME UP HERE." I heard Leona yelling. I walk in the room and she had Zayin by her collar and if looks could kill we would be planning her funeral. "We're back and we have food." I say closing the door. I noticed that Addison and Aiden weren't here. Probably in the nursery. "Ooooo food gimme." Lee exclaimed and I handed her the bag with her food. Like I said she gets happy to see food and I'm pretty sure that its going to be gone in like five minutes. I hand out the rest of the food and set up Tia and Tino's food before getting my own and eating mine. I got a text and it was from Gabby.

Gabster: Sooooo do I have two new nieces or nephews?

Sista Chrissy: You have a niece and a nephew.

Gabster: Ok mamma said we all coming down there next week so she can have all her grandbabies together.

Sista Chrissy: Ok see yall then tell Jalisa, Jamira, and Tali I said hey.

Gabster: They said hey see you then.

"Hey Fernández family you need to sign these papers and then you are free to leave. Congratulations Leona and Christina." The doctor said handing Leona the papers and she signed them handing the clipboard back to the doctor. "Ok you are free to leave. Thank you." She said walking out of the room. "Ok Tia hand mommy her bag please." Lee asked as Tia got up and handed Lee her bag. I got the other bag and started to dress the twins in their clothes. I put them in their carriers and picked one up and Zay picked up the other one. The nurse came and rolled Lee in the wheelchair. Tia had the baby bag and Tino had the bookbags. I went to get the car and helped the twins get in their car seats in the third row and then went to put Addison and Aiden's car seat in the second row. I then helped Lee into the car said goodbye to Zay before getting in the driver's seat and heading home.

Leona's POV

I look at the time and it's 6:00 PM dang we were in the hospital for almost 24-hours. Oh well, my babies are finally born and I'm happy as hell. I hope Chris knows that these are all the kids she's getting out of me. Aiden and Addison were supposed to be Aiden or Addison until one day the ultrasound lady looked at the pictures closer and said she saw four feet. We were confused at first until she took the pictures from a different angle and we saw two bodies in there. She said twins must run in the sperm donor's family because they don't in mine. Bottom line is I'm not pushing out any more children. If Chris wants more children she has a vagina too she can get pregnant herself. "Babe, what you thinking about? You got that look on your face like you ready to pop off." Chris says putting her hand on my thigh. "I was glad that those were the last two babies that I'm pushing out." I say grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. "Awwww I can't have no more kids?" she asked pouting and I looked at her like she was crazy. "Baby if you want more then you have two options. You can get pregnant or we can adopt because I'm not pushing out any more children." I said and she started rubbing my knuckles. "Well it looks like if we want more then we will be adopting because child birth is painful." She said and I looked at her like really. "What you don't think that squeezing the shit outta my hand hurts? I can barely take that what I look like giving birth. I be in there crying my eyes out damn near about ready to die." She said and we both busted out laughing. "But in all seriousness, four children are enough." She says pulling into the garage and stopping the car. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I said leaning in for a kiss.

She deepened the kiss but we pulled back when we heard giggles from the back. "Ewwwww mommy and daddy were kissing." I heard Tino say in the back and start laughing. "Come on so yall can go to bed." I say and Chris gets out the car. I get Aiden and she gets Addi and then Tia and Tino hop out before I close the door and we all file into the house. "Ok, time to get ready for bed. You guys have school in the morning." I say taking Aiden out of his carrier and leaving it by the door. I didn't see them anywhere and Christina was too caught up in holding Addi to notice. I go upstairs to the nursery and put Aiden in his crib turning on the baby monitor and took the other one with me. They weren't in their rooms and the third floor is just our bedroom. I know they not in there so I go on the intercom that reaches every room in the house. "Valentina and Valentino Fernández. You two have 10 seconds to find your way to your rooms or we gonna dance." I start counting down and hear them running into their rooms. I never hit them before but I've threatened to many times but I won't actually do it. I go into Tino's room and see clothes scattered around the floor. "Tino come here." I say and he comes in from the bathroom with toothpaste all over his mouth. "When you get done clean up this room. When I come in here tomorrow none of this stuff should be on the floor." I say and he nods his head. "Ok. Did you do your reading?" I ask and he nods again. The pre-school makes them read one book aloud every day and that is their homework every night. "Ok, Goodnight baby boy." I say kissing his forehead and walk out of the room. I walk over to Tia room and she's sitting on the bed reading a book out loud. She finishes her sentence and closes the book. "Ok did you brush your teeth?" I ask and she nods her head. "Did you use the bathroom?" I ask and she nods. "You put all your toy in the bin?" I say looking over at the teal storage bin. She hesitates at first and then nods. I squint my eyes at her. "I'm going to ask you again did you put your toys in the bin?" I ask again and she nods biting her upper lip. She's lying because she starts biting her upper lip when she is lying or hiding something.

"So, if I look under this bed there will be nothing under here?" I ask about to look under the bed and she nods. I look under there and sure enough there were all of her toys. "Valentina I thought better of you. Take all of these toys and put them in the bin." I say disappointed. She drops her head and takes all of her toys from under the bed and puts them in the bin. I close it and pick it up. "You'll get these back when I can trust you again. Goodnight Tia." I say carrying the bin out of her room. I turn the light off and close the door behind me only to see Christina walking up the stairs with Addison. "Why do you have Tia's toy bin?" She asked me confused. "She lied saying that she put her toys up when she didn't so I took them. I'll probably give them back on Friday or something depending on her behavior." I said as she puts Addi in her crib and closed the door. "Oh, you want me to go talk to her or?" she asked and I shrugged. "If you want to just if you do, do it in the morning it's 7:30 and they have school tomorrow." I say carrying the box upstairs and putting it in the "rated X" closet before locking the door. Chris is so corny naming the closet, but at least its locked so we don't have to worry about the kids finding anything adult toys in our room. I put on a t-shirt and some shorts and hop into the bed as Chris strips down to her sports bra and boxers. We got in the bed and she whispered "goodnight baby. I love you." I smiled. "Goodnight baby love you too." I whispered before drifting into dreamland.

A/N: This is yall Valentine's Day gift. So if you ain't gotta boo to get you shit consider this what they got you. But lemme tell y'all I GOT GUMMY WORMS TODAY AND SOME M&Ms. I swear I love my friends with everything in me. Making a bitch feel loved and shit. Today was just a good ass Day. Hope yalls was a good as mine.

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