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◇بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم◇

" Practicing a little of the Sunnah is far better than practicing many innovations. "
- Ibn Masud (r.a)

In the past, people learned Islam from the behaviour and acts of Muslims but today we tell people "Don't judge Islam by the actions of Muslims" sadly because Sahaba used to love an act because it was Sunnah and we now leave it because it's just a Sunnah !

To talk softly,
walk humbly,
eat moderately,
sleep sufficiently,
dress modestly,
interact properly,
act fearlessly,
work patiently,
think rightly,
believe correctly,
behave decently,
plan orderly,
earn honestly,
spend wisely,
worship dedicatedly,
& to smile genuinely..happily & quietly..
How much all these cost?
People keep googling "how to be successful/smart/productive", while the sunnah of the Prophet (saw) has provided us with gems on how to do just that.

The Prophet(saw) said :
" Whoever revives my Sunnah then he has loved me. And whoever loved me, he shall be with me in Paradise. "

Not only for our personal gain but out of love for our beloved Prophet (saw), we should try to live our life by the Sunnah as much as possible.

Let's revive the peace,
Let's revive the discipline,
Let's revive the best lifestyle,
Let's revive the Sunnah.

Smile.. It's Sunnah =)

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