Chapter 9:I'll Be By Your Side

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|1:00 PM|

Chris's POV

I haven't woke for hours...I'm tired...I'm gently woke by Foxtrap tapping me,"Hey, you you feeling?...""I-h-it s-still hurts...just a little less...""Good! That means your getting better!""Good. Tell them",Foxtrap gently strokes her hand on the bandages, she rest her head on my arm and hugs me."I love you, Mom.""I love you too...I promised I would take care of you...and I did..",Chloe walks in,"Are you gonna watch Goldie?", Foxtrap kisses me and leaves to watch Goldie. I'm still in pain, I shakily sigh. I hold myself in my arms."Hey Chris.How are you feeling?...""I-aghh-it could be worse...""Does it still hurt?",she says as she lays next to me."I-h-it's obvious right?",I say as Chloe opens the doors to the balcony to let breeze come in.""Well your gonna have to ge-""Ch-Chloe....I still haven't fully recovered. Y-You know that.", I say holding myself, gripping onto the bed sheets. D-doesn't she realize that I-. I grip onto myself, Chloe runs over to me,"Ch-Chris, I-its okay. Calm down.", she relaxes me, and realizes how exhausted I was. I still felt like I was being slaughtered....inside I just wanted to scream. I cry,"Ch-h-C...", the pain was harrowing... I-i could barely speak,"C-h...agh...h-he-help...p-h-p-l-l-ease...""Chris, your going to be alright.", she holds my hand letting me grip onto it."Foxtrap! Come please!...your gonna be okay baby. Your gonna be okay." I breathe deeply as Chloe strokes my cheek. Foxtrap quickly walks in and reacts by putting me back to sleep. I really could only hear what they were saying for a few seconds."Let him stay at rest. Just watch him for me, okay?""Okay...", she lays with me face to face and hugs me. She made me feel better. She always did. Hopefully I don't kewl over when I get out of this bed...yeah that...wasn't funny...

|4 Days Later|(Based on skyrim scenario)

"Finally,ye awake lad. Ye haven't got up in ages haven't cha?", I sit up in bed and stretch."Yeah...", I say to Micheal."Well, we can't keep ye in bed forever.  Come on, lets getcha up off the ground.", he helps me get up off up the bed, I slightly kewl over," Woah lad, steady. It may still hurt a bit. After all, your stomach isn't fully healed yet. So try to take it easy next time.""O-Okay then." I happily walk downstairs. No one is there but I'm happy that I'm able to walk again. I go into spare parts and see Nightmare,"Chris!", he quickly pulls me over and hugs me. Foxtrap walks in and hugs me."Oh C-Chris..", she hugs my stomach a bit tighter,"Ow ow ow, be careful. Ow.","Oh sorry...""Foxtrap...please...don't be sorry. Where is my sarcastic, sun loving, jerky, bitchy Foxtrap hmmm? Nightmare help me out...""Foxtrap... T-T waffle.", I laugh, then Foxtrap does her lol bit thing."Lolololololololol!""Ha Ha! Foxtrap copy him or make a pun or something. Do it, I triple dog dare you!""Okay.....Waffle 1:Hi I'm waffle, I am a waffle that eats waffles made of unicorn brony jerks.Waffle 2: ......T-T Canible.", OMG IM GONNA DIE LOL! Chloe walks in looking at us like we are crazy," going on?""Foxtrap, s-haha! S-say it again!""Syc nah bitch. Me ain't got no obeyz left. T_T Deal With It.""Omg! Haha!...oh god that was""Clam down bud, jeez.""Oh gosh, my stomach hurts again...but in a good way. Guys I'm gonna go see Goldie.""Kay Kay...see u bitchez. Btw I'm gonna have a mini pool party with Nighty here." Chloe hugs me gently trying to not hurt me. We head upstairs, Goldie is crying on her bed. Chloe knocks on her door."Goldie can I come in?""NO! IT EVERYONES FAULT DADDY ALMOST GOT KILLED! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT MOMMY! YOU NEVER TAKE CARE OF HIM! YOU JUST CALL THAT STUPID ANIMATRONIC INSTEAD OF ME! ITS LIKE YOUR TELLING ME IM NOT SMART!", oh''s MY fault....I'm the one who is, pushing myself so hard... I open the door. Goldie snuggles farther into the blankets. I kneel down, I kewl a bit, but I steady myself....,"G-h-Goldie...", I say with tears on my face. She looks up as I hold my stomach,"Da-Daddy?", she says curiously."I-...I-h-I am so sorry...""There is nothing you should be sor-""No Goldie...It's all my fault. I was the one pushing myself so hard...h-h", I say, struggling to catch my breath. I rest my head on her bed. It's definitely all my fault..."B-but Daddy, you possibly couldn't you don't even wor-""Goldie...I never told you cause I know you would want to stop me but...I make do you think Foxtrap was here to take care of me this whole time!?", I was kinda pissed At myself and her."But-""No! I don't wanna hear it...I'm already on the edge with you. Don't ever talk about them like that ever again! Especially about Foxtrap and your mom! Plus you are smart! We call Foxtrap cause she is a doctor. Your not one.", I stomp out of the room with my arms around myself. I flop onto the bed and cover my head with a pillow."Lord lord lord...", I cry out of anger and sadness right now...and probably even pain...."auuugh..."I bury the side of my face into the bed. I cry...What is wrong with me...trash talking my daughter..."oww...shit...", the stitches in my side were coming out again...I sit up and cover my stitch with my hand. Chloe comes in and puts her hand on my shoulder,"Lemme see...", she sees it and slightly gasps. She doesn't panic, but it just looks and feels horrifying. I don't move. A few minutes later Foxtrap comes in and sews me up."something happen, Chrisy?",she sighs. I whimper from the needle going through my side and say,"I-h-it s all my fault Goldie had to cry.....and I freaking trash talked her... she is now just gonna do something stupid just to prove me wrong. And then I'll regret it.""How about if I just stand there while you apologize and then...if something goes wrong I'll help.""I'm...I'm not gonna do it this time....I'd rather wait...""Okay then..."

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