The Myrid- Part 1

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The rest of the night passed without incident. I woke up the next morning to find all of the guys still by my bed keeping an eye on me. I lept out of bed and scurried over to Connel as quietly as I could. They were all facing away from the bed so none of them had a clue as to if I was up or not. I jumped at Connel's unprotected back. The next thing I knew or felt for that matter was that I was up against the wall and Connel's hand was crushing my neck. I whimpered as my breathing slowed. Just before I passed out Connel seemed to realize that I was me and not a random person.

He let me go and I crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath. Connel Ryan and Larson all reached for me in the same moment. Connel reached me first but as he touched me I flinched out of habit. Connel took it the wrong way and was suddenly gone. Ryan got to me next and he took me in his arms, looked down at me as though he were holding his first born baby girl, and handed me over to Larson before tearing after Connel. I was soo confused. Both guys who touched me and then left. I half expected Larson to do the same thing but he didn't.

"What just happened? I didn't hurt them did I?" I asked, "Not that I really ever could physically." I added to myself.

"No you didn't hurt them, you just took Connel by surprise and when you flinched away he thought that it was because he had scared you. Ryan left because he is probably one of the only people that Connel will listen to. Don't worry you didn't do anything  wrong they are just odd." Larson said, chuckling.

We waited for an hour downstairs for the two brothers to finish talking. I made breakfast and did the dishes much to the objection of four overgrown werewolves. At long last The boys came back. I was still in the kitchen when they arrived and I could hear all of them in the living room talking in hushed whispers. Then I felt hands encircle my waist and a shock of energy flow through me. I turned so that I faced Connel and stared into those deep lust-filled eyes.


Connel's P.O.V

I was holding her by the neck, ready to tear her throat out. She whimpered and I felt her breath recede. Then my mind woke up and I looked at the beautiful woman being held by the neck in front of me. Then it hit me, I was the one holding her. I let her go and she fell to the ground. I stared at her for a minute then at my hands which seemed to be tingling with the shocks that had come from her body. I realized this and I slowly reached out to touch her again.

She flinched away from my hand as I came close. My heart felt heavy as I saw the pain in her eyes; pain that I had inflicted. I staightened up and quickly exited the room. Leaving behind the one that I cared for the most. I don't know where I was headed but I knew that I needed to get out of there and away from her before I did something that I'll really regret. I shifted into my brilliant black wolf and plunged into the darkness.

"YOU IDIOT! Wht do you think you are doing to us, denying your mate. You know that she will be there with you because you know that she trusts us enough to love us that way. Don't let this one mistake tear us away from her." He yelled at me.

"You know what that mistake could've cost us her life. I could've killed her if I hadn't realized that it was her when I did. So just stop talking and let me make the rational decisions, okay?" I said.

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