Open Book 2)- He Speaks!

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The next day, I wasn't as scared as I was before. Still pretty worried though. But not because of him. Because of my arch-nemesis just outside the window. Because of a fate worse than any lesbian activities my PE lessons will ever face me with. Worse than Taylor Lautner's hair in the first movie!


The wet, white, cold devil strewn upon every path, treetop and river taunting me in its siege of my new home. What have I ever done to it? How could I have possibly been such a terrible person that this fate has befallen me? We never got snow back in Pheonix. But here, every winter whether you like it or lump it, the beastly obscenity returns to haunt your every waking step until sping sets in once more.

I cautiously made my way down the front steps of my home, and almost straight away slipped on a tiny patch of ice and fell on my arse. "Fucking Hell!" I exclaimed.

"Y'all right Bells?" Charlie said as he offered me a hand up. I gratefully took it, brushing the snow of my bum and sticking out my bottom lip.

"I'm fine." I mumbled as I sulked over to my truck and yanked open the door.

"Oh by the way, Bella,"

I stuck my head up reluctantly to look at my dad. "What?"

"I'm investigating a murder case today, looks like another animal attack but you know, always have to treat it as suspicious-"

"What you getting at dad?"

"I'm just saying be careful."

I rolled my eyes and said "Of course, you too."

Charlie opened his car door and said "Always am." As he was getting in the car however, he slipped on a rogue piece of ice, and promptly fell on his bum.

*****************************************Forks High School Cafeteria- Lunchtime*****

OMG. Like, literal OMG. They're all here.

Retard, Pornstar, Vacant, Constipated and, Gay

They all look different somehow too. I can't put my finger on it, but the dark shadows under their eyes had disappeared and they were a little more flushed. Humph. Must be the snow.

But then the dread hit me.

What if he's a dickhead to me again? I mean, he acted like he hated me. Hated. And hate is a very strong word. Like a socially accepted 'fuck'. I cautiously made my way to Biology with a heavy heart.


How did he get here so quick?

I sat down with a sigh and gave him the evils.


Where did that voice come from? I scrunched up my brow in confusion as I turned to face him. "Erm yeah, hi."

"I'm Edward Cullen. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself last week."

You had plenty of chances mate. "Well I'm-"


Bit rude. "Or do you prefer Isabella?"

I'll prefer Englebert Humperdink if you'd shag me. "Bella's OK, but I think my dad's been calling me Isabella behind my back 'cause the whole town thinks that that's my name."

"'K." He shrugged, and looked away. Convieniently Mr. Biology-Teacher started the lesson at that point. Something about onion root and mitiosis. And oh, no textbooks. At that point the entire class took out their phones underneath the desk, and proceded to google the answers.

Screw BellaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat