Screw Bella

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OK. This is my very first attempt at anything that involves working Wattpad. So I'm not to sure how to work the stuff, but I'm sure I'll get it eventually. 

btw: This is a little light-hearted comic take on Twilight. Not an earth-shattering protest. I'm not going to camp on your lawn campaining for vegetable rights, I'm going to to tap on my keyboard late into the night when I really should be doing other things i.e sleep. Now, I'm not sure exactly what the story will contain but I'm pretty sure there will be an EdwardxJacob kiss in there, hence the title. If you don't like it, a pair of tough titties to you. And also, this isn't a holy document it's a "realistic" story, so our characters will develop a case of the potty-mouth. So I'm sorry. Oh, anyway, you don't want to sit here and watch me complain, you want to read story. So here's the perface...... Are you ready?



I had never given much thought to how I would die. But, to be honest, I'm a miserable, angst-y teenager on the brink of emo-ism, I really should have by now. But, even regarding that, I never thought it would end this way.

I stared across the room into the hunter's dark eyes, and he smirked back at me.

Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something.

I knew that if I'd never come to Forks, none of this shit would have ever hit my fan. But even now, staring death in the face, I could't bring myself to regret that decision. When life gives you lemonade...

The hunter giggled as he saunted forward to kill me.


Yeah, I'll throw my hands up, I did have Twilight in front of me when i wrote this. But that's the point at this stage! I promise the rest is going to be properly my own xx luv ya!

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Screw BellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora