First Sight-1) New Home, New Car

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My Mother's car stinks. Actually reeks. It's seventy-five degrees outside but that only makes the stench worse. Fucking Pheonix. Don't get me wrong, I love the sun, the sights and the smells (OK, apart from mum's car) but I somehow feel cheated. I mean, it's literally sunny everyday and most girls at my school are allergic to rain, so how do I end up with vampire pale skin, straight dull brown hair and a clumsy, boring personna that's so out of place here??

There is one place that would all fit in though.

Forks. The land of the omnipresent cloud cover and enough rain to give clean water to Africa for fifty years. Also the land of my birth. Which probably expains my pale, crappy looks which I shall now refer to as my 'birth defects'. You see, my mum and my dad, Charlie, are split. One day, when I was really young, my mum packed up, took me and left my dad and Forks for Pheonix. I have been back to Forks since then. I had to go spend the two pitiful weeks of the Easter Holidays there every year up until I was fourteen when I put my bossy, demanding foot down. My dad holidayed with me in Florida after that. He's a man of few words, so I generally let Mickey Mouse and rollercoasters do the talking.

But now I'm returing to that hallowed, mud-stricken place.

No, not Disneyworld, Forks...

"You sure you've got everything hon, coat, hat, wellies, pond-waders.."

"Yes mum," I rolled my eyes at my mentally regressive mother, Renee. There she is, standing with her new boyfriend Phil- who insisted he wave me goodbye- biting her lip and screwing up her forehead in worry. She shouldn't do that, it makes her look old. Old-er. My mum looks a lot like me, only older, blonde, tanned and smiley. I don't think I even can change my face or mood, it's like someone cast Amanda Holden as me in a story of my life!

"OK,OK" My mum said, fighting back tears, "Tell Charlie I said Hi, oh, and not to shoot any of your boyfriends!!"

I rolled my eyes again. "How many times mum, that was just the once!"

"Have a nice time duck!"

"Bye mum."

I looked back once as I disappeared down the terminal to my plane. My mother was waving erratically and Phil was waving slowly with his arm wrapped protectively round her waist. Don't know why that was important, probably to put the readers mind at rest so we can forget about them until later on.

**********One Plane, and an awkward car ride later...*********************************

"So I, um, did up your room since last time you came."

I crossed the doorway into my old room. Dad's right, he has done up my room, only in the sense that the teletubbies previously on my walls to cover the damp have been replaced by posters of  One Direction and other X-factor pop-stars. He's also changed my bed, I now have one that is credible to lose your virginity in.

"Gee, thanks dad."

"No problem. I'll leave you to get settled. The Panthers are playing."

That's the one selfish thing I like about my dad, he doesn't hover. Theres always something on telly more important than my life. I sighed and took a proper look around. It was raining. Nuff said. Forks looks so different from Pheonix. I mean, there were massive trees and random forests and spontaneous rivers forming out of the rain. In Pheonix, a cactus was the closest you came to a tree, everywhere was yellow and water only came out of taps. Humph. Pheonix. Why did I willingly exile myself here? What is there to learn from this place!!

Ooh, that wasn't there before.

A big, orange, monstrosity of a truck has just pulled up in Charlie's drive. Oh God. Please don't let that be a homecoming present. I would literally throw myself in front of a bus if I had to drive that. I'd rather take my dad's police car (Oh yeah, he's the cheif of police for Forks. Out here, he is the shit.) with the huge blue and red flashing lights on top than drive that... that beast into the school parking lot. I can hear the engine rattling and coughing from here. Hell, I could probably still hear that engine if I was back home in Pheonix. The radio/CD player was playing country music. Country music. If I was gonna commit suicide, I'd do it to country music. Dear God, in high heaven above, PLEASE MAY THAT CAR NOT BE MINE!!

****************10 minutes later...***************************************

"How do you like your homecoming present Bella?"

I put on my best fake smile. "Ooooh, daaaad... it's wonderful."

"Old Billy Black brought it up from La Push for you." He gestured to the old guy in the wheelchair smiling in front of me. "His son Jacob fixed it up for you. Take it for a spin if you like, Jake's just in the car."

I opened the door to the car and took the passenger side next to a tanned, sort of fit-guy-in-the-making looking, dirty teenage boy. "Hey," he said, holding his hand out, "I'm Jacob."

"Bella." I took his greasy hand and shook it. Mighty my, he's strong.

"I know. We used to make mud pies when we were little."

Sounds like a euphanism. "Sure, course... um, so, you fixed this up right?"

Jacob fiddled with the gas for a moment before saying "Yeah, I mean, it's been sitting ing the garage for ages... it deserves a new lease of life. Let me show you around." His chocolate-brown eyes lit up as he pointed to all the separate things in the car. "Um, gas, brake, clutch, tape-deck, gear-stick."

Woah. Did he say? No. But yes, he did. It's there. Right in front of me. Psyching me out, the little shit. A tape-deck. No, not CD player. TAPE-DECK. I mean, can you even buy tapes anymore?

"...glove-box, indicator and that's it really. If you need anything else..."

"Oh sorry," I said, waking up from my tape-deck day-mare. "No, that's cool." We sat in silence for a second before I said "Hey do you need a lift to school in the morning, you know, cuz I've got no mates and all."

He raked his hands through his hair. "Oh, thanks Bella but I go to school down at La Push."

Oh. OK. Nob.


Bit of a boring chapter just to kill the introductions and describing stages (eeerrrgh)


First Sight-2) Meet the Cullens

Quick Shout Out to all who have read, voted and especially liked my story so far... Thanks buckets!! <3

Remember to vote and commentxx

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